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R.K. Offline
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Re: What proof do you want? And in turn, what proof do you have? - April 4th 2009, 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by suniesha View Post
You're going to turn it around if I answer, 'cause you wanna prove a point. And guess what I'm not dealing with this today.. So whatever.
Then WHY DO YOU EVEN REPLY?? Is it just me, or are half of your "response" posts - "Well I don't feel like it! Oh you're just mean! Oh you won't consider my beliefs or are ridiculing them! Let's just drop it! I don't feel like it. Or I'm busy! Or well we disagree so let's drop all of this, it's pointless"

Originally Posted by suniesha
No, not really. I know what I mean to say and think I'm typing it correctly then after it's posted I read through it and it sounds harsh and that's not how I want it to be.
Well, we all believe in truth but I think the truth it for this thread is we can agree to disagree and kinda leave it at that.
Right... because one side is making supernatural untestable claims about invisible Magic men in the skies & then going "You can't prove it doesn't exist! So check mate!"

The definition of this Thing we are supposed to prove is so vague & also untestable. Before it was "God is making storms/throwing lightning & sitting in the clouds" (& etc claims, that were actually testable... at least to us now & guess what? No magic man there!)
Then the claims about God start moving further & further as more & more things are explained through naturalistic means & do not require some divine intervention to happen. The so called God of the gaps: we don't know smth - thus "GODDIDIT"!
These gaps of lack of knowledge are constantly being filled & less & less space is left for the supernatural.

Last edited by R.K.; April 4th 2009 at 08:02 PM.