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~Mr. Self Destruct~ Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 150
  1. DeletedAccount17
    March 26th 2013 11:35 PM - permalink
    Happy 17th Birthday, Matt! Hope it's a good one.
  2. mindflower
    March 26th 2013 05:21 PM - permalink
    December 20th 2012 07:09 PM - permalink
    nice name
  4. Validity
    December 7th 2012 07:10 AM - permalink
    -Nods- If we haven't, it is good to finally speak with you
    My ancestors originate from London, there is actually a suburb or street named after our family, Chetwynd. Haha, royalty.. Sucks to have that kind of history. Haha, same with me actually Moving overseas, finally
    I agree with all that, I don't have much faith in this region partly because most don't even grasp the concept of the English language, I actually wish for them to wake up and see how important the english language is. Being a writer, I cringe when somebody says "et" instead of ate, or eaten. There are so many choice selections of stupid remarks but if I continued this would be at least four paragraphs long. So I think I'll sign off this message.

  5. Validity
    November 19th 2012 10:41 AM - permalink
    Correct me if I'm wrong, I've spoken with you before haven't I? I just can't remember what the subject topic at hand was.
    Anyway, hey, how's it going?
    Just wanted to let you know, you live in the worst place ever! Just kidding, because I live in Australia to.. But, I live in a shithole... Haha, called Tweed and luckily I am not considered tweed breed. I originate from Sydney, lived in Queensland and now for 3 years Tweed.. But, is it just me, or is Australia slowly deteriorating? Politics wise, community wise and just plain old language wise..

  6. joeblow9999
    August 29th 2012 08:43 PM - permalink
    I've been delving deeper into geology just as a side project on my own time, and I'm becoming pretty fascinated with how much evidence there is to support the old Earth science (as opposed to young-Earth creation.) I mean, I always read about radiometric dating and found it plausible enough, but never appreciated just how large the scope of study actually is. Maybe the 6,000 year figure wouldn't still be common currency if an in-depth study of geology was required all throughout high school here.
  7. joeblow9999
    August 26th 2012 06:03 PM - permalink
    Well there's the Darwin Award, ironically enough. :P
  8. joeblow9999
    August 23rd 2012 01:36 PM - permalink
    Yep. You've heard of the Creation Museum haven't you?
  9. joeblow9999
    August 16th 2012 09:56 AM - permalink
    I don't trust Ron Paul either, or libertarians in general (American libertarians and mainstream Republicans believe nearly all of the same shit with the exception of more lax drug laws and foreign policy.) Their hostility towards welfare of any kind would lead to the deaths of people who are surviving on food stamps and social security. The guy actually believes that starving the poor is a good way to reduce the deficit. If you ask libertarians why the deficit is so high, they immediately pin most of the blame on "government spending" and more specifically on welfare. It's always "hurr if we just cut off food stamps for those lazy bums who don't work, the glorious free market would fix everything durr." And lastly, Ron Paul says that he rejects evolution and says the states should decide if they want to teach creationism in PUBLIC schools. So while we're starving our poor we'll also be stepping backwards away from science and into medieval superstition. /facepalm

    Either way, Ryan or Paul, people are gonna die and the economy will implode.

    Oh, and more info on Ryan's "plan" here.
  10. joeblow9999
    August 15th 2012 11:43 AM - permalink
    Mitt Romney is getting ready to land in a shitload of legal trouble it would seem (link.)

    Someone told me if he gets kicked out of the race on fraud charges then Ron Paul would be the only other option. Paul Ryan on the other hand seems too crazy even for the Right. I could be wrong though. Never underestimate the Republicans' ability to choose the absolute worst possible person for the job.

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    Lots of metal ('speacilly Lamb of God, Whitechapel, All Shall Perish and Parkway Drive *does not care what you say*) and hardcore. Industrial genres I can find to be quite appealing as well. Some hard rock and alt. rock I also quite enjoy.
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