I have to start with the project. The only way I won't have to do the project is if when they do the midpoint check to see how things are going the project just isn't working/turning out like it should. Then I'd have to drop everything I'd done for the project thus far and switch over and write a research paper. I'm only supposed to be brainstorming ideas at this point, since we don't have to commit to an idea (after it gets approved) until mid October, but I hove no clue what I'm going to do
yeah, with the project you can to an internship or shadow (basically observe) a professional. I wish my school was like most other schools though. A paper would be so much easier.
I haven't been able to complete any yet. It's extremely difficult to find places in my county that needs something done art related :/ I'm not allowed to do things for family or friend's of family, it has to be for businesses.
That's kinda odd...have you taken US History already? o-o
Hopefully ><