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We all have to find what our purpose in this life is...and do whatever it takes to fulfill it. When people experience hard times, they (myself included) tend to forget to appreciate all that we do have. The obstacles we face are meant to help us, make us stronger...not defeat us. Shouldn't we all just want to leave this world a better place than how we came into it? Shouldn't we all want to do what little bit we can? Shouldn't we want to help people around us?
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in telling every person you know that you want something to happen, in yet you do nothing to make it so? I don't see why people just sit around and hope that things go their way. If you want something to happen, get off your butt and make it happen. Don't just hope that someone would come along and kind of do what you want. Don't hope someone will come along and somehow have the same idea as you. If you have a cause, fight for it. If you have an idea, spread it. If not, just give up and do nothing....
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When I was in third grade, I couldn't read. I was made fun of and teased because the teachers would call on me to read and I would just cry. I didn't understand why I couldn't do it. I tried every night to force myself to read. I just failed time after time. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I learned how to memorize everything I heard.
One day, everyone's parents came except one boy and mine. He was in foster care with three other children...they didn't want him to feel...
One day, everyone's parents came except one boy and mine. He was in foster care with three other children...they didn't want him to feel...
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