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I can't get enough

xxpaigiexx Offline

Up In The Clouds...

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 184
  1. .Sarah.
    September 17th 2009 05:04 PM - permalink
    I am right and you know I am.
    Love you more than you love me.
    So nurrrrr.
  2. .Sarah.
    September 15th 2009 12:21 PM - permalink
    You're just being stubborn now.
    I know why. It's because ....
    You know I am right.

    Love you. xxxx
  3. .Sarah.
    September 14th 2009 07:49 PM - permalink
    No way missy!!
    Just no.
    I'm right.
    Your wrong.
    Now accept it missy.
    Love you. xx
  4. .Sarah.
    September 14th 2009 01:16 AM - permalink
    It will be over. When you stop being so stubborn missy!!
    *Distracts you with cuddles*
    *Then quickly shouts .... "I love you more" and runs away.*
  5. Rismis25
    September 13th 2009 11:57 PM - permalink
    Hey thanks for teh words. I do trust him but it is so hard.
  6. .Sarah.
    September 13th 2009 12:41 PM - permalink
    Seriously sweetheart, there is no getting away from the fact that I LOVE YOU MORE. Than you love me. End of.
    Love you. xxxx
  7. .Sarah.
    September 12th 2009 05:35 PM - permalink
    When I read that yesterday it made me smile. But one slight problem, I'm afraid to say is that you are NOT RIGHT!

    As you know the truth always come from me. Which just so happens to be in this case that I do indeed love you more x infinity of whatever you say.

    Love you.

    PS. Sorry about the big type size. But it had to be said in a way that would get your attention.
  8. .Sarah.
    September 10th 2009 11:19 PM - permalink
    I love you so much more than you love me.
    (Did you really think I would let you win? )
  9. Ellie
    September 5th 2009 11:13 PM - permalink
    It was really really good thanks! I wish I was still there And yeah, definitely, I can't wait to go back! I'm starting a new course next year [didn't like my old one xD] and I'm really excited about that. The only problem is the room I'm staying in is right opposite a take away, so at night it's all I can smell! Ah well Yeah, I guess if you're okay it's better than being bad, right? If you want to talk, I'm hear, PM if not on the olde wall! Have you been up to much lately? xx
  10. Ellie
    September 5th 2009 10:55 PM - permalink
    Well then lets just take a minute to say thank you to those people! I've not been too bad thanks. Got back from Malta a few days ago, and I'm still trying to adjust back to all of this rain!! I've got three weeks left at work and then I'm going back to uni and I really can't wait!! How've you been? xx

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    About me
    My name is Paige.
    I'm from London.
    I have been around TeenHelp for around 9 years and couldn't see myself leaving.

    If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate in contacting me.
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    A little bit of everything really
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    Dogs body
    Very liberal
    Zodiac sign
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    Facta Non Verba
    Deeds not words


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