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I can't get enough

Xujhan Offline

Resident Atheist

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 132
  1. noise94
    April 16th 2009 09:35 PM - permalink
    Pride and Prejudice is EPIC WIN, and you know it.

    Ahh, someone's been busy. Okay, so I see you sent this VM about an hour ago. Haha. Has the application been tackled yet?

    Ahh, this week is hectic for me and my dear Mr. Darcy. I'm painting my room, so I'm pretty much living on the sitting room sofa for the next few days. Oh joy!

    How art thou?
  2. noise94
    April 15th 2009 08:13 PM - permalink

    Did you apply for the pink team?
  3. Strider
    April 14th 2009 10:24 PM - permalink
    I don't mind being spunky and having a cool hat I actually have a very similar hat to that one. I don't know if I'd consider myself spunky though...but that's still cool. Thanks
    I guess that makes you the pretty guy with the long white hair, huh? Not too bad either.

    Leaving home sounds difficult. My parents want me to stay home for the first few years of university just to cut back on the costs. I can understand that. And the university has pretty good science classes, so I don't mind. But it will be sad when I move out. Good experience, but I don't know what I'd do without my family. My older brother especially. When he leaves I'm going to be so sad For a computer geek, he's pretty damn cool.
    But everyone moves on eventually, right?

    I'll keep the math help in mind Thanks for offering. I've gotten so that I'm half scared of my math teacher. She's kind of like the bearer of bad news for me (math being my lowest mark) and she does just talk at the class. She's not very nice about helping. I wonder why some people teach at all.

    Do you mind me asking what part of Ontario you live in? I'm just assuming you're in Ontario because you're going to Waterloo, but if I'm wrong or you'd rather not say, I'm fine with that.
    Wherever you are, I hope you're enjoying some nice weather. It is absolutely gorgeous outside right now
  4. Strider
    April 14th 2009 01:50 AM - permalink
    That's not a bad story for saying it was a long one It's creepy how pictures can follow you around sometimes. It's still a pretty cool one, though, so at least you don't need to be stuck with a bad pic.
    I really do hate math, but that's just because I'm terrible at it. I just don't get it and my teacher isn't much help. She's one of those that goes at super speed and then makes you feel bad for asking questions. But I think I want to go into science, so I need a good math mark So, I still wish I was good at it.
    I guess Waterloo is just one of those schools where a lot of people know people there. That, or I know math nerds Don't feel bad about not knowing people. I'm sure you'll meet some there.
    Actually, I must confess that my avatar picture is not me. Hehe....^^; I never meant it to be me, but I think a lot of people on here think it is. It's actually a picture of Ryan Ross, the guitarist for Panic at the Disco. And I believe it's a picture of when he got his tattoos done on the back of his arms. So, yeah, it's not me. Mostly because I don't put my pics online. It was the one I had when I was part of TeenHelp before the reset, so I thought people would recognize me better at first if I kept it. There's pictures that just stick, you know? This is one of them. I haven't taken it down. Mainly because it's not so dark, slightly positive, and not bad looking And I can't find another suitable picture. Ah well.
  5. noise94
    April 13th 2009 10:23 PM - permalink
    Those applications are hell. Have fun. (And writes loads! )

    Hah! Well, I must say, I cannot stand the way most people seem to talk on the internet these days. I mean honestly, they have their own little language! Us smart people have to stick together. I have a twelve year old sister with a tendency to shorten her words and I keep yelling at her.

    I think braiding your hair would be so fun. (: Ooooh, I can't really dye my hair. It's like so black that everything just looks weird on it. And there's no way I'd go blonde. xD.

    Canada! Hehe. I have cousins living in Winnipeg. Canada>Ireland. Haha.
  6. noise94
    April 13th 2009 09:38 PM - permalink
    I got spotted by Katrina a few months ago. She recommended I apply for LiveHelp but that position scared me so I applied for Buddy. And I was a Buddy. But then when HelpLINK opened back up, I applied within like ten minutes. It was AGONY waiting for word back about it! But hey, I'm pink now. I would say you should definitely apply. It can't hurt to try. I'd love to see you on the pink team.

    Oh my, I do? Haha. Not something I get told often, to be honest. Is it a good thing to come across as older? xD I don't want to punch you, but I would like to braid your hair.

    Yeah, I blame this freakin' recession. Not that I had money before it but yeah. Wait, where do you live? I'm too lazy to check your profile.

    Oh my goodness, I'd love to see my parents faces if dumplings came in the mail. Send 'em on over.
  7. noise94
    April 13th 2009 09:00 PM - permalink
    Haha! I have a friend who is convinced her skin burns every time she enters a Church. We went to Notre Dame last month and she was terrified.

    Ohh, you were spotted? Have you been on staff before?
    I would totally recommend HelpLINK. It's a little harder than posting on the forums because the requests tend to be longer, but it's really rewarding. And we could totally do with more mentors.

    Ahh, University! Too more years for me. I haven't really been to school this year because of health problems. *dramatic sigh* What are you going to study in college?

    $90?! Aw man, can I have a loan?
    I am totally broke.

    I'm all right, thanks. Haha. Seriously tired. Didn't sleep until about 4am and was awake again at like eight. I'll live.
  8. noise94
    April 13th 2009 06:31 PM - permalink
    Hah, all right for some. I don't believe in God in the slightest but I'm dragged to church. <.<

    Ah, now that is what I call multi-tasking. Usually, the TH Forums and HelpLINK is about as much as I can handle. MSN hates me for some reason. Yet I still have it.

    Eek, more like one of those months. Haha. I think just 'cause I haven't been in school and there's no routine I'm just becoming a bit apathetic. S'all good.

    How are you this fine Monday?
  9. Strider
    April 13th 2009 03:01 PM - permalink
    That's the first time I've heard that there's a story behind an anime pic that doesn't have to do with anime! Wow I think I used to watch that show years ago, but I don't really remember it.
    That manga sounds cool. I'll probably give it a read. I just looked it up (wikipedia is a wonderful thing) and it looks like a good story.
    I just read that you're going to go to Waterloo! That's really cool. My friend's brother and my brother's friend (now isn't that confusing...) both go there. I heard it's pretty good. I wish I was good at math
    I'm still trying to decide what university I should go to. Only one year left to decide too.
    I'm looking forward to seeing you around too!
  10. SugarcoatedLetdown17
    April 13th 2009 03:21 AM - permalink
    My dear, I think I would like to braid your hair. While thanking you profusely for replying to my thread. All the support really did wonders for my situation. I actually laughed for the second time today when i read your info. Very funny guy. xD

    - Jess.

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    Ontario, Canada
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    About me
    Hi everyone!

    So, I'm twenty, and in my second year at the University of Waterloo studying math/philosophy. No, I'm not sure how I got there either. Yes, it is awesome.

    More later, 'cause I'm lazy.
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    University - Undergraduate
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    The atoms that make up you and me were born in the hearts of suns many times greater than ours, and in time our atoms will once again reside amongst the stars. Life is but an idle dalliance of the cosmos, frail, and soon forgotten. We have been set adrift in an ocean whose tides we are only beginning to comprehend and with that maturity has come the realization that we are, at least for now, alone. In that loneliness, it falls to us to shine as brightly as the stars from which we came.


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