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I can't get enough

Xujhan Offline

Resident Atheist

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 132
  1. noise94
    June 12th 2009 01:17 AM - permalink
    Hey! I was getting worried about you! That's the suckish thing about only knowing people online. I'm mega happy to see a message from you, even though it's currently one am and I have to get up early tomorrow. What's wrong? Nicola's hanging in there too;; hospital hospital hospital lately but I'll be okay. Write back soon. <3
  2. noise94
    May 21st 2009 10:45 PM - permalink

  3. Katrina
    May 4th 2009 11:48 AM - permalink
    How goes it, Fletcher? [:
  4. noise94
    April 30th 2009 07:56 PM - permalink
    I get addicted to sites very easily. Haha. But TH is the one I've stuck with the longest. Tried and failed to take ''breaks'' many times.

    Oh man. My brain can't even process that. Hah! What an interesting mind you must have. Haha, Fletcher is indeed an epic name. I'm pretty sure this is the only time I've ever come across it. xD. Yuck, Nicola. I know way too many Nicolas. I even know a Nicola O'Sullivan (My surname =P) which is just really annoying. (:

    Well, your luck is with you today as I have many pictures of my books. Haha. Yes, I AM that much of a nerd. My dad suggested giving away some of my books and I flipped out on him. Let's see what I have. oO Oh and beware, I AM about to spam your visitor wall with a looooot of book pictures cause I'm cool like that. =D

    Yes, that is a little action figure of Fred from Harry Potter. xD

    Can't honestly say I've read all of the LOTR books but I'm making my way through them slowly. xD

    Gotta love the classics.

    I am currently waiting for the third book in that series, City Of Glass, to make it's way over from America. Catch 22 is freakin' hilarious.

    I am, always will be, a Harry Potter fanatic.

    I'm actually a little ashamed to own the Twilight books. Haha. Though, I can safely say I read them before they were famous.

    Eragon was my stepping stone onto LOTR. Haha.

    I am a massive James Patterson fan, in case it wasn't painfully obvious.

    Sarah Dessen writes these really girly books. Haha. The only teen girl books I don't refuse to read. xD

    Rawr, I am a vampire!

    Soo, yeah, I hope those links work. Haha. This will have to be updated cause I'm buying more books next weekend. Does thou read?
  5. Strider
    April 30th 2009 02:46 AM - permalink
    Sounds like you're going to have one crazy weekend! You'll have to tell me about it.

    Actually, I'm planning on dyeing my hair a light blond now because plans are in the motion for me to go to Anime North this year (my mom still needs convincing...arrgghhh). I want to cosplay (because I'm that geeky, and it's half the fun) as Shrodinger from the Hellsing OVA (pic for reference) should be fun if it actually happens.

    I'm happy that I've found a possible direction, but math is still a pain in the ass. We're learning about triangles that aren't really triangles right now. Who thought these things up anyway?

    I hope you're doing well and enjoy your weekend!
  6. Strider
    April 28th 2009 10:13 PM - permalink
    I was just about to poke you to see if anything had gone wrong! Delay much? Hah- it's really no trouble, so don't worry about it. I hope you're having fun touring around. Been anywhere cool so far?

    If you get a pic of your hair, I definitely want to check it out! That colour sounds so awesome. And it stays in alright? I had a bugger of a time trying to keep my redish colour in when I had it last year. It was cool for the first few weeks, and then my mom wouldn't stop nagging at me because the dye coming out was staining a bunch of towels after I showered...hehe...not so good. That was the end of cool colours for me I need to cut and streak my hair soon. Once done, I'll get you a pic of that. It'll be polar opposite to what you have, I'll bet.

    Spring is going pretty well for me so far, except for being sick! I'm getting over a bad head cold at the moment. Other than that, I'm getting out quite a bit and hanging with friends. I can't wait for summer though. My brother is already off school (jeez I hate that I'm not in university yet!) so he's got his summer already. I am supremely jealous. Well, I get to go to Wonderland this year, so he can be jealous of that!

    Oh, and I think I know what I want to do with my life now! At least as far as a career goes. I think I want to be a medical lab technician Sounds like a cool job and it's right up my sciencey alley. Not sure for certain it's what I'll end up doing, but that's my direction at the moment.

    Hope to here from you soon! Enjoy your touring around
  7. noise94
    April 28th 2009 07:48 PM - permalink
    Good gracious, he's home! Of course you missed us. This site is super addictive. They don't tell you that when you register though.

    Dude, your hair sounds epic. Hah! I cannot wait to see it. No, really, I can't wait.

    Oh dang, you're creative. Haha. My brother did that with his username too on loads of stuff. He's very easy to stalk online. Not that I do that, of course! Xujhan. For the record, I've been pronouncing it like zoo-han for reasons I don't know. Share the correct pronunciation, please? Good boy. Haha. Despite your name being so creative and amazing, I'm going to call you *checks profile so she doesn't make a fool of herself* Fletcher! 'Cause I've never known a Fletcher before. O.O But now I do.

    I was okay until sometime in the middle of yesterday. Now I'm sick. Haha. Nothing unusual there though. xD. Let's just hope it ain't this swine flu, eh? That probably wouldn't be any fun. Haha. But I didn't have to go to school today so that's always a bonus! And now I'm sitting here, reading Rocksound and drinking a can of Diet Coke. Ahh, this is the life, no?

    I DID get my room all done! I moved in last Friday, I think. It's mighty awesome, if I may say so myself. I think I have some pictures around here somewgere. ('Cause I know you're just DYING to see these.)

    Here is my new bookshelf which I LOVE, except for the fact that I have a book-buying obsession and no room left for them! It was white. My dad painted it orange. My idea! My Idea! Right.

    This would be my bed (No duh) with the amazing orange wall. It's actually the same colour as my bookshelf, but just didn't turn out very well in the picture. Ayee. And you can see the purple wall too.

    And here would be my desk, which lacks a chair at the moment. Haha. But yeah, it's not that tidy anymore. Unfortunately.

    And that's pretty much it. Haha. Yeah, exciting, I know.

    How art thou?
  8. noise94
    April 26th 2009 07:52 PM - permalink

    Are you alive?
  9. noise94
    April 16th 2009 10:29 PM - permalink
    That's, ah, nice to know. Haha.

    Pride and Prejudice is life! The book is freakin' amazing. Nah, I didn't like Colin Firth at all! Matthew MacFayden was a million times better! (And hotter. ) And Keira Knightly was simply amazing as Lizzie.

    I'm painting one wall bright orange, and the other three (Et un ceiling) are going to be this awesome light purple colour. It's going to be epic, really. Haha. Oh, my brother painted his room bright blue. Hah. A cave, eh? That's just too cool.

    Ah, good boy. Haha. I hope you get accepted! I think your username name would look rather dashing in pink. Oh! What on earth is your username all about?

    Why, pray tell, would I hug a chair for you?

    P.S. Share ze ice cream?
  10. Strider
    April 16th 2009 10:29 PM - permalink
    Not far from the truth at all How long is your hair exactly? I'm gonna bet it's longer than mine

    Renting a place with friends sounds like fun, though I don't think I'd ever be able to do it! Not that I don't trust my friends... I just think we'd get sick of each other! that, and I'm pretty sure we're all going to go to different universities and stuff anyways.

    I'm not too worried about crazies stalking me either, but my parents are a different story. My city is a whole lot bigger than Milton too. And you can assume that I'm an Ontarian because I am. Though that wasn't always the case. I was born in BC. I live in Ottawa now. I guess we're a few hours apart, then right? I haven't been to Toronto since I was 4 or something Ever been to Wonderland there? I heard it's a lot of fun.

    What do you like to garden? My dad has started his growing at the side of the house. Just flowers and tomatoes and stuff. We grew a lot of veggies at my grandma's when we stayed there. Pumpkins, zucchini, corn, peas, beans, whatnot.
    The best plant is the cactus, though. I still remember the time I asked Santa for a cactus for Christmas! I got one too

    So how have you been lately? I think I'm coming down with something, but I'm still trying to enjoy some time outside. My dog certainly can't get enough of outside, that's for sure.
    And I get to see a play tomorrow! My friend is in it

    (Thanks for saying I'm cool! That made me smile )

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    Ontario, Canada
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    About me
    Hi everyone!

    So, I'm twenty, and in my second year at the University of Waterloo studying math/philosophy. No, I'm not sure how I got there either. Yes, it is awesome.

    More later, 'cause I'm lazy.
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    The atoms that make up you and me were born in the hearts of suns many times greater than ours, and in time our atoms will once again reside amongst the stars. Life is but an idle dalliance of the cosmos, frail, and soon forgotten. We have been set adrift in an ocean whose tides we are only beginning to comprehend and with that maturity has come the realization that we are, at least for now, alone. In that loneliness, it falls to us to shine as brightly as the stars from which we came.


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