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I can't get enough

Xujhan Offline

Resident Atheist

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 132
  1. ChrisSL33PY
    June 8th 2012 04:34 PM - permalink
    I understand what you're trying to argue, and I'm trying to explain the flaw I see in your argument. If something is part good and part bad, then it's not all bad; it's part good and part bad. Trying to define good as only that which is entirely, irrevocably good is just needlessly tossing away pertinent information. Using your analogy, with your approach there's no distinction between an orange carrying a few flecks of mold and an orange completely devoured by mold. If you'll allow me my own analogy; isn't there an important distinction between a car with a broken radio and a car with a broken everything? They're both broken, certainly, but I think you'd much more happily own one than the other.

    Certainly there's nothing inherently self-contradictory about defining good and bad the way you want to, but I don't see why you'd want to. It's not a useful approach to understanding morality since almost every action can be found to contain something that is not entirely, purely good; a system of morality wherein almost every conceivable action is counted as equally bad just isn't useful, in just the same way that a telephone book which lists every person as either Keira Knightley or Not Keira Knightley isn't useful

    .....so wat do we call good and bad ?
  2. MermaidMassacre
    January 25th 2012 07:52 PM - permalink
    Longggggg time no talk. How have you been?!
  3. havehopeyourbeautiful
    December 13th 2011 12:26 AM - permalink
    hello how are you
  4. Imagine849
    December 8th 2011 11:34 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the reply to my thread. The stuff you suggested is really helpful
  5. forfrosne
    August 4th 2011 09:52 PM - permalink
    Good fucking lord I just physically cringed at the verbal smackdown you just used to bitchslap Guile.
  6. Marguerite
    July 29th 2011 12:43 PM - permalink
    "Science, bitches. It works."

    I'm so using this.
  7. Power Cosmic
    July 27th 2011 02:15 PM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Yeah, you're right of course. Let's move this to PM >.>.
  8. Power Cosmic
    July 25th 2011 09:29 PM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Mm, I agree, they inherently do by default, but I dunno, I guess when I see a person champion such horrific and amoral ideas, I can't help but lose all respect for them, give up on try to persuade them and stick to mocking them for their foolishness.
    I know it's not really right, it's a character flaw of mine that I try to fix, but I'm not really sure how to go about it to be honest .
  9. Power Cosmic
    July 24th 2011 02:15 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    You have? Damn, my cynical worldview just took a jarring hit ^^;. That's quite neat though. I wish I had your patience though, I have a tendency to just stick to insulting them for being stupid and ignorant and then spending the next few hours feeling guilty for getting bored of debating with a wall and lowering myself to that. And after that, I get to the inevitable internal morality debate on whether that's the right thing to do. I mean, sure it makes me feel better, but only since I'm bitter at the world and it's injustices...
  10. Power Cosmic
    July 23rd 2011 01:09 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    I have a serious question my friend. How do you have the patience to debate with the ignorant so much? Seriously, I'm honestly envious

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    Ontario, Canada
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    Hi everyone!

    So, I'm twenty, and in my second year at the University of Waterloo studying math/philosophy. No, I'm not sure how I got there either. Yes, it is awesome.

    More later, 'cause I'm lazy.
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    The atoms that make up you and me were born in the hearts of suns many times greater than ours, and in time our atoms will once again reside amongst the stars. Life is but an idle dalliance of the cosmos, frail, and soon forgotten. We have been set adrift in an ocean whose tides we are only beginning to comprehend and with that maturity has come the realization that we are, at least for now, alone. In that loneliness, it falls to us to shine as brightly as the stars from which we came.


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