You are most welcome! I love discussing religion with anyone regardless of their faith
I was raised a lot like you, my parents are Catholic, and I was baptized as a baby, but they never really opened a Bible with me, nor did we go to church. So, I started to drift as a kid, and went from "Catholic" to Atheist to Agnostic, to "Unknown", to Baha'i. I also feel the same way about the world's religions all holding some validity as you do. I'd suggest researching all of the world's religions, whether it be through Google or Wikipedia or speaking to followers or just picking up different holy books. There is a very good book, "The Everything World's Religions Book", which I read when I was in the same spot as you. It offers a very unbias look at a HUGE amount of religions, the history and the basic beliefs held by all of them. It also goes very indepth into the different sects of Christianity- so if you'd like to stay that root but maybe get a little change you can find out more about that. But, even if you decide to stay a Christian, reserach can help you understand your own religion or give you kind of an "add-on" (Like you can be a Christian that follows Buddhist principles if you wish!). The sky is the limit. But, and I don't mean to force my faith on your in any way, maybe you should look into the Baha'i Faith as well, as it is quite unknown, but it does really talk about how all the world religions are truely one religion. If you want any information, I'd be more than happy to offer you some, but again please do not feel that I am forcing anything on you- just giving you some ideas as I know that the search for religion is hard and confusing as I have gone down that path myself.

Take care.