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* xlovexhatex13 OfflineMember |
Last Activity: January 18th 2015 01:59 AM
About Me
- Basics
- Name
- Stephanie
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- About
- About me
- Um I'm never sure what to put in these things...
- Details
- Here for
- Like to help and be helped
- Relationship status
- Single and not sure if I am looking or not...
- Sexuality
- Heterosexual/Straight
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian/White
- Education
- Junior High School
- Religion
- Christian
- Zodiac sign
- Leo
- Interests
- Music
- ~Play trombone
Bands: Fall Out Boy, Hollywood Undead, Blood on the Dancefloor Skillet, Relient K, Panic at the Disco, Superchick, Barlow Girl, Hawk Nelson, My Chemical Romance
Artists: Eminem
There's more but I can't remember at the moment. :l - Movies
- Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of the Caribbean, Eragon, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Insidious, James Bond, Austin Powers, RENT, Tristan and Isolde, How To Train Your Dragon,
- Heroes
- My sister
Emma Watson
Evana Lynch
Demi Lovato - Favorite quotes
- "Hey, girls, you're beautiful. Don't look at those stupid magazines with sticklike models. Eat healthy and exercise. That's all. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You're good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you're a size 4 or 14. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you're a good person, as long as you respect others. I know it's been told hundreds of times before, but it's true. Hey, girls, you are beautiful."
— Gerard Way
It's the mantra of the band. Kids would say they were going to kill themselves, then they heard our music. - Mikey Way
"No one should ever feel the need to hurt themselves, because the rest of the world hurts you badly enough."- Gerard Way
Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.
- Gerard Way
Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves. Like I love you all.
-Gerard Way
"Don't ever let the media tell you what to look like. You're beautiful the way you are. Stay beautiful, keep it ugly." - Gerard Way.
“Finding someone special means you can truly be yourself. I was pretending for a long time. It’s hard to feel confident. But when you find someone you can open up to, you suddenly feel free and everything looks better.” -Gerard Way
“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
Gerard Way
“No matter how bad it gets, don’t give up. Always keep running. We will always be there for you. Just turn up the speakers, sing like no one’s listening, dance like nobody’s there.” — Gerard Way.
I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.-Emma Watson
- ~I'm sorry you're blind to all the pain you've caused~
- ~I'm sorry you're blind to all the pain you've caused~