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Average Joe

Xineas Offline

You can call me Daniel

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 165
  1. Anatidaephobia
    March 21st 2011 06:42 PM - permalink
    Thank you that means a lot to me <3
  2. Kitty.
    March 21st 2011 06:35 PM - permalink
    Yeah I hope it gets fixed soon. Aww thanks! I really appreciate it. You give amazing advice too. Thanks! I'll keep that in mind if something bad happens. I'm here for you too.
  3. Anatidaephobia
    March 21st 2011 06:26 PM - permalink
    Glad your great
    And just had a bad day. As i got kept behind after my geography lesson today an my teacher was like basically you have to eat on this trip and im going to make sure you do. Also you have to eat breakfast so im going to get the head of pastoral to phone your mom tell her what happened on the last trip and make her force you to eat breakfast :/ I am really scared now my moms going to go mad when she finds out and the thought of eating breakfast and lunch sent me into a panic attack :/ I got home and cried and couldn't stop shaking or breath i was that scared about it :/
    and thank you that means a lot to me
    You can always om me too <3 x
  4. Kitty.
    March 21st 2011 06:19 PM - permalink
    Hey, my laptop broke so I can't get on as much so I decided it would be best if I went on Leave. *hugs*
  5. Anatidaephobia
    March 21st 2011 06:17 PM - permalink
    Glad your good
    I'm not great had a crappy day but hopefully tomorrow will be better
    How has your day been? <3
  6. Anatidaephobia
    March 21st 2011 04:31 PM - permalink
    How are you today?
  7. L'espoir
    March 21st 2011 03:31 PM - permalink
  8. Dawn.
    March 21st 2011 05:41 AM - permalink
    I'm sorry to hear that. If you need to talk I'm here.
    I'm ok thank you.
  9. Kitty.
    March 21st 2011 02:52 AM - permalink
    Awwww I'm sorry
  10. havehopeyourbeautiful
    March 21st 2011 01:43 AM - permalink
    its always shit im soo confused thts gud wht r u doin

About Me

  • Basics
    The Netherlands
  • About
    About me
    I'm currently studying Informatica in Amsterdam, learning how to write applications and programs. :) Boring for most, but it interests me and runs in the family, so why not. :P

    I have a tough skin, can take a lot, can process shocking events calmly and I've had my share of issues in the past. I always like helping others, even if it's just being there for a small peptalk or to help with some math problems...

    Send me a message anytime!

    Most of my posts will be related to bullying, family, relationships, cutting, or random technical issues.

    Simply because I think I can be most useful there! :P
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help with problems
    Relationship status
    University - Undergraduate
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Fixing computer problems, helping people, teaching maths (or teaching anything for that matter), photography, webdesign
    Very diverse
    An amazing amount of chick flicks... (I have younger sisters, don't blame me) and on top of that, I don't mind horrors as long as they have some reality
    Lie to Me, Bones, CSI, Law and Order, Flashpoint, pretty much all crime/lab series...
    The Sims 3
    I'm not a book reader, I do read massive amounts of text online though.
    I don't play any sports right now... I want to pick up tennis again though.
  • Signature

    Stupid questions do not exist!
    Or do they? Nah. Ask and you shall be answered!

    Since March 16, 2011

    My parents have been divorced for 12 years. If you're stuck in the middle, feel free to PM me!
    Social Group for people with Divorced Parents


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  • Last Activity: April 27th 2011 10:43 PM
  • Join Date: February 14th 2011
  • Referrals: 0


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  • Average Posts per Day: 0.03
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