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Average Joe

Xineas Offline

You can call me Daniel

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 165
  1. Jovial.
    July 18th 2013 06:47 AM - permalink
    Hey Daniel. Holy cow. It has been ages since you have been around. I definately ran across our pm's the other day from years ago. I hope that if you read this you are doing well. <3
  2. Unknown10
    December 5th 2011 07:24 PM - permalink
    I just came across your profile, to find that you've not been on since April.
    I actually miss talking to you Daniel.
  3. Unknown10
    June 30th 2011 12:40 PM - permalink

    I haven't talked to you in ages! Hello!
  4. Bibliophile
    June 28th 2011 06:42 PM - permalink

    Smile, you're awesome.
  5. Eternal
    June 24th 2011 06:44 PM - permalink
    Happy birthday Daniel!
    I hope it was wonderful!
  6. Gingerbread Latte
    June 24th 2011 11:45 AM - permalink
    Gingerbread Latte
    Happy birthday

    Have a great day!
  7. Everglow.
    June 24th 2011 10:00 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday, Daniel!
  8. Doodle.
    June 8th 2011 02:49 PM - permalink
  9. Riddikulus
    May 25th 2011 06:48 PM - permalink
  10. Anatidaephobia
    May 16th 2011 08:01 AM - permalink
    I know that things are hard right now and everything seems tough,
    But i am always here for you when things get a little rough,
    You are an amazing and beautiful person and so important too,
    You are a really good friend to me and thats why i love you <3

About Me

  • Basics
    The Netherlands
  • About
    About me
    I'm currently studying Informatica in Amsterdam, learning how to write applications and programs. :) Boring for most, but it interests me and runs in the family, so why not. :P

    I have a tough skin, can take a lot, can process shocking events calmly and I've had my share of issues in the past. I always like helping others, even if it's just being there for a small peptalk or to help with some math problems...

    Send me a message anytime!

    Most of my posts will be related to bullying, family, relationships, cutting, or random technical issues.

    Simply because I think I can be most useful there! :P
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help with problems
    Relationship status
    University - Undergraduate
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Fixing computer problems, helping people, teaching maths (or teaching anything for that matter), photography, webdesign
    Very diverse
    An amazing amount of chick flicks... (I have younger sisters, don't blame me) and on top of that, I don't mind horrors as long as they have some reality
    Lie to Me, Bones, CSI, Law and Order, Flashpoint, pretty much all crime/lab series...
    The Sims 3
    I'm not a book reader, I do read massive amounts of text online though.
    I don't play any sports right now... I want to pick up tennis again though.
  • Signature

    Stupid questions do not exist!
    Or do they? Nah. Ask and you shall be answered!

    Since March 16, 2011

    My parents have been divorced for 12 years. If you're stuck in the middle, feel free to PM me!
    Social Group for people with Divorced Parents


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
Helpful Postings
  • Xineas's posts have been liked or marked as helpful 16 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: April 27th 2011 10:43 PM
  • Join Date: February 14th 2011
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 11 to 17 of 17


  • Points: 9,609
  • Level: 14
  • Points: 9,609, Level: 14 Points: 9,609, Level: 14 Points: 9,609, Level: 14
  • Level up: 33%
  • Points needed: 941
  • Level up: 33% - 941 Points needed Level up: 33% Level up: 33% - 941 Points needed
Points for user
  • Points for User: 9,079
  • Per day: 7,992
  • Socialgroups: 630
  • Friends: 51
  • Visitormessages: 216
  • Filled profile: 190
Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 57
  • Threads: 40
  • Social Group Discussions: 5
  • Tags: 7
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 2
Points for posts
  • Points for Posts: 436
  • Posts: 266
  • Social Group Messages: 10
  • Average Posts per Day: 0.03
  • Helpful Answers: 160
Points for miscellaneous
  • Points for Misc: 38
  • vBulletin Blog: 28
  • Calendar Events: 10

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