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Welcome me, I'm new!

xfallingintothedarknessx Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
  1. Digit.
    July 20th 2013 07:49 AM - permalink
    Well i had a lot to do today so im gonna sleep now
    Goodnight my sunflower
    sleep well
  2. Digit.
    July 20th 2013 07:38 AM - permalink
    In that case i completely forgive you
    are you getting tired?
  3. Digit.
    July 20th 2013 07:34 AM - permalink
    Its ok
    just dont do it again it makes it confusing for me
  4. Digit.
    July 20th 2013 07:31 AM - permalink
    when you reply you have to hit reply bellow my message or click view nversation and post there or go to m page
    your last three were
  5. xfallingintothedarknessx
    July 20th 2013 07:23 AM - permalink
    I was just surprised... I mean, besides you and my best friend it seemed like no one cared...just that people were being "nice" to me...which I know is not the case but...thank you...thank you so much
  6. Digit.
    July 20th 2013 07:19 AM - permalink
    Why'd you stutter
    sry thatmusthave sounded bad i only meant no matter how other people come and go i will never leavr you so youll never alone
  7. xfallingintothedarknessx
    July 20th 2013 07:16 AM - permalink
    Well I stuttered because I'm surprised...just...no one else seemed to care except my best friend...so thank you...so so much.
  8. Digit.
    July 20th 2013 07:13 AM - permalink
    You posted on your profile not a reply
    Why'd you stutter
    sry that must. Have. Dsaddening i only meant that other people ay come and go but our friendship is sokid and ill never leave you and that means youll never be alone
  9. xfallingintothedarknessx
    July 20th 2013 07:04 AM - permalink
    ...Th-thank you...:')
  10. Digit.
    July 20th 2013 07:01 AM - permalink
    Thatscause you have me. You said notmany people care but i do
    Even if i becoome the only one youll neverbe truly alone cause im here
    im also proud you asked for help

About Me

  • Basics
    Sunflower (Nickname)
    Narnia O_o
  • About
    About me
    I love anime, love to read and draw, yes I am depressed, love to make friends, have a love of my life, enjoys new things. If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you! :) May not always have the best most wisest answers but I'll try my best. :)
  • Details
    Here for
    like to help and be helped and enjoy making friends
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Reading, drawing, watching anime, moving stuff around my room! :D Gotta have change once in awhile. ;)
    Kpop, rock, country...classical, techno, vocaloid
    Any Studio Ghibli movie or Disney movie! <3
    Does anime count? Caaause there are waaaaaaay too many to count. XD
    Oh where do I begin........ Crazy, lots of manga, The House of Night Series, etc, 123359354892 other books. XD
    None. :)
    My best friend and love. Hachi... my mum and daddy <3 Mulan....XD
    Favorite quotes
    "Live another day,
    Laugh like there's no tomorrow,
    Love like you've never been hurt."

    "In art it is not a mistake. It's an opportunity."
    Other interests
    Uhmmm.......can't think of any at the moment. :)
  • Signature
    "The girl who seemed unbreakable
    The girl who seemed so strong
    The girl who always laughed it off
    The girl who would never stop trying
    Finally gave up & quit."

    My blog: http://theonewhofakedhersmile.wordpress.com/


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  • Join Date: March 9th 2013
  • Referrals: 0


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