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I know it sucks... you don't have to be sorry for me, things are working out smoother than they could be anyways. I guess I should start considering myself lucky. I don't really know.
Anyways, what I have to make sure I adress is that you are not going to end up like them if you don't want to. My cousin is going through the same thing we are, and when she found out my parents were having this happen, she made sure I knew that love does exist and I can find it, and that we don't have to end up like they are. Its not something passed on through generations.
Its okay to not be able to talk to her or look at her, trust me, that's totally normal. I can't say whether or not she'll stop talking to him, I mean I really hope she does, but more importantly I hope that things turn out okay in the end, and you feel safe and loved and hopeful for your future 
Omygod.... okay, I don't want to freak you out, but my mom is doing the exact same thing to my dad... (except the boyfriend from college doesn't have kids...). I've known about my parents' problems for about 2 months now, and it hurts every single day. My dad knows though.... does yours? My dad asked her that night if me, my 3 sisters, our dog, and him , our house, our life, everything was worth leaving and she couldn't answer. So, trust me, I know it hurts, and I'm so sorry you have to go through it.
If your dad doesn't know, and I'm sorry if you don't agree with this, but he does need to know. Really, if I know a father, he'll be grateful you told him, he won't take anything out on you. They'll have a long talk, and if they think their marriage is still worth a fight, they'll do some counceling like my parents are and... if not, I guess I don't know. But remember something for me; none of this is against you. This isn't happening to hurt you, that was never the mindset of either of them. Your dad is going to think that a lot of this is his fault, but if you do decide to tell him, make sure he knows that he's a great father, and a great husband. They both still love you, never forget that.
If he already knows, then you need to tell both of them you know, and tell them your hurting. My parents are basically staying together because they know how it will hurt us, and him, and things like that.
Again.... I'm really really sorry that you have to go through with all of the secrets, it really does suck and I wish relationships lasted like in the movies but... the world isn't flawless, we're only human. Whatever happens, Stay strong... you know I'm here if you need anything 
Hi there!
My name's Tay, I'm 16, and I'm a Buddy here on TeenHelp. TH is a wonderful, awesome, and safe place to be!
There's a lot to do here, like posting in the Support Forums, which there are several of, depending on what advise you're looking for, or just want to vent or express yourself
There's also a Chat Room that you could enter, talk to people on here as well 
If you ever have any questions, or just need a friend to talk to, I'm always here 
With that being said, hey
how are you doing?