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I've been here a while

tk338 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 341 to 350 of 355
  1. udontno
    January 15th 2009 04:52 PM - permalink
    I'm glad I'm good with time management or I'd never get any work done for TH.

    Once applications come back online, I expect us to get a flood of applications. Since we have to add everyone back, I think that probably a hundred or so applications will pour in. It'll be a madhouse I think.
  2. udontno
    January 14th 2009 05:53 PM - permalink
    Exactly. Something about the fresh start has drawn people back. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

    My dream from day one here was to be a mentor. I am a mentor (currently LHO, but will most likely return to mentor when HL is back up). I've got a lot of other little fancy titles in my signature is well. :P However, the most important thing to me is not status, but the fact that I am helping others in ways that I never dreamed of. I'm always mentioning TH, promoting it, talking to others about how muh it has changed me for the better. I'm just so glad it is here.
  3. FastForward2012
    January 14th 2009 05:09 PM - permalink
    Mhmm. I'm a christian,as well. Go God
    Yay for being opposite-sex versions of each other! lmao

    Tadaaa ^
  4. Claire
    January 14th 2009 01:43 PM - permalink
    Aww thank you so much. I know its just a debate to some people, but its my life and my decisions they are talking about. Just though I'd shove my ideas in there, for my son's sake :P Thanks x x x
  5. udontno
    January 13th 2009 10:17 PM - permalink
    I was pretty active before the site went down, but I've become increasingly active since it has went back up. I just hope I can keep things this way. Also, since the forums have been down I kinda feel like I have to prove myself with my new account you know? No old statuses and things for people to go by.

    I'm doing fairly well, had a few downfalls here and there lately. last night was amazing for no real reason, tonight not so much. How about you?
  6. FastForward2012
    January 12th 2009 07:26 PM - permalink
    Life is good. I'm staying optimistic,and I'm believing in hope and the Lord to help me stay strong. So,its all good
  7. blondechick_13
    January 12th 2009 06:45 PM - permalink
    Yeah. I'm better now. lol. It's been good. Very busy. lol. Finals are this week. AHHH!!!!
  8. blondechick_13
    January 11th 2009 09:04 PM - permalink
    I'm good. Finally. Just got over a whole bunch of crap with my boyfriend but I'm a lot better. And how are you?
  9. Brooke Basketcase
    January 10th 2009 07:56 PM - permalink
    Brooke Basketcase
    Hehe in America that means your a senior - or 12th grade. My school doesn't have D's. We have ABC and then no D, they decided to take them away so anything 70/100 and below is failing.

    I kind of have a few things I know I want to do. Such as A bounty hunter, and I want to work in communications. Those subjects I'm forced to take to graduate. Such is american life.

    What do you want to be when you get older?? :] you must have an idea right?
  10. FastForward2012
    January 10th 2009 05:57 PM - permalink
    Oh man,I'm jealous.
    Have fun
    I have 2 years till college.
    I want to like fastforward to college. haha

    What do you mean how am I and all things photographic? Uhh,we're good. lol,I don't know.

    Go Canon!

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    How can one love themselves, when they love absolutely nothing?
    Do something that is interesting. If it is not interesting, find out why it is not interesting.


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