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I've been here a while

tk338 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 271 to 280 of 355
  1. newbie552
    January 26th 2009 12:33 PM - permalink
    hey, just came to give you this awsome message:

  2. FastForward2012
    January 25th 2009 07:34 PM - permalink
    Oh. Well that sucks.

    Sounds pretty. My favorite is animals. and scenery. I like taking pictures of simple things and turning them into something beautiful.
  3. udontno
    January 23rd 2009 03:58 PM - permalink
    I want a new bike but my parents are making me wait until college so I can use it then. I don't know if I'll ride one though, I can just see me wrecking and landing on top of my backpack with $1,000 laptop in there. :-(

    Thanks, I am thinking of making another bunny. I didn't really like how the first one turned out to be honest. Could be a little more rabbit looking I reckon.
  4. FastForward2012
    January 22nd 2009 06:59 PM - permalink
    I know. But i'm ready for it.

    Duh. haha

    So what do you like photographing best?
  5. udontno
    January 22nd 2009 06:19 PM - permalink
    Thanks. I'm very... set in my way and I hate it when I have to do something different with my routine. It's going to be different going back to playing softball for school, because then I have to adjust but I still manage to get what I want done.

    Six miles is too much at once! My goodness.

    You shouldn't be ashamed. I really don't feel like ten hours is a lot. But then again, I'm used to being on such strict schedules. During the spring, there is often times when I will have practiced for 5 or 6 HOURS a day. That doesn't seem like a lot to me even then.

    I'm adding you now.
  6. udontno
    January 21st 2009 09:26 PM - permalink
    Honestly, I don't know how I do what I'm doing right now. I do have a very set routine though. I'm going to share that now, so get ready.

    I go to school from 8:05 to 3:15 every day. I arrive home at 4. If I have homework, I will do it then. If not, then I watch an hour of TV (knitting while watching TV). Between 5 and 5:30, I get ready to run and then I run. A mile almost everyday. I didn't run today, but my routine was thrown off by a school activity. Then I piddle around on the computer, eating at around 6 everyday. 7:00-8:00 is usually spent studying, online, and taking a bath. At 8 I'll either watch another TV show or read or something of the sort. Then at 9, I usually sign into LH and stay for an hour or two, until my last call is done.

    I do take my knitting to school though, so if I have class time I work on it for sure! I estimate that an average of 10 hours goes into each of my works. Have you seen my flickr? I have pictures of everything there.
  7. FastForward2012
    January 21st 2009 07:43 PM - permalink
    Oh,well yeah. Thank youuuuu
    I'm so excited, you don't even know!
  8. FastForward2012
    January 21st 2009 06:25 PM - permalink
    OMG. So you might have read my thread,but I just got asked to be the photographer for my friends dad's wedding!
  9. Bibliophile
    January 21st 2009 06:15 PM - permalink
    Watch out for Grey hair and wrinkles!
  10. Bibliophile
    January 21st 2009 06:13 PM - permalink
    17 is old!

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    How can one love themselves, when they love absolutely nothing?
    Do something that is interesting. If it is not interesting, find out why it is not interesting.


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