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I've been here a while

tk338 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 190 of 355
  1. newbie552
    March 25th 2009 02:39 AM - permalink
    City of Glass came out today and I HAVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Brooke Basketcase
    March 25th 2009 02:26 AM - permalink
    Brooke Basketcase
    haha sorry it took so long to reply. Dance has been keeping me busy. Yeah I don't like school. and I don't care I broke up with him. So... I have closure I just feel bad that he doesn't but naturally he wants to go back out :P So what ever haha

    My pets? They're all well. The St.Bernard still smells and the bunnies are still cute as a button. But how are YOU!?
  3. xxpaigiexx
    March 25th 2009 01:46 AM - permalink
    Lol that is really kooky.
    Oh yes I know Beckenham, well Beckenham's in the borough of Bromley so it still counts lol
    I don't live too far from there.
    I've been Longfield a couple of times.
    One of my ex's didn't live too far from Medway so I would always get the train that stopped at Meopham and Longfield and that, probably the train you would get to London lol except the oppersite way.
  4. xxpaigiexx
    March 24th 2009 09:42 PM - permalink
    Hehe yeah yay us lol.
    I know medway yeah
    my uncle lives in longfield and one of my ex's was from not far from there.
    Haha I live in Bromley!
    I know Croydon pretty well too.
    I say London because I don't really consider myself kent really.
  5. xxpaigiexx
    March 24th 2009 01:16 AM - permalink
    ah year about the same as me then
    yeah it's just a good place to hang even if you're not looking for advice!
    so what part of kent you from, if you dont mind me asking... I live in kent sort of lol.
  6. newbie552
    March 24th 2009 12:54 AM - permalink
    well go hear about her
  7. xxpaigiexx
    March 23rd 2009 11:36 PM - permalink
    Awww haha
    How long have you been on TH for then?
  8. xxpaigiexx
    March 23rd 2009 11:14 PM - permalink
    That's good to hear
    Nah I'm not new, I've been on TH since I was 15 lol
    haha same it's always good!
  9. xxpaigiexx
    March 23rd 2009 10:42 PM - permalink
    Hey sweetie,
    how's it going?
    Just came across your profile and thought I'd say hey
  10. newbie552
    March 22nd 2009 10:06 PM - permalink
    i thinks Cassandra Clare

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    How can one love themselves, when they love absolutely nothing?
    Do something that is interesting. If it is not interesting, find out why it is not interesting.


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