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I've been here a while

tk338 Offline


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  1. s_tor_m
    June 9th 2009 02:14 AM - permalink
    Exactly...I love forgetting about life every now and then Yeahh me and my sister are really close...she's like my best friend. and yes well done her for coming up with my name

    Hmm I've never rated living on an island...but then Ive never lived on one haha. What would you rate it? Yeah I could see that getting annoying...having to go back and forth all the time. Hmm my strongest subject is unknown! I have yet to figure that out lol. whats your strongest?

    Yeah I'm on this site all the time..can't seem to tear myself away I get emails when I get something on FB but thats the only time i really log in. Otherwise it just sits there lol.

    Alrighty I'm about to leave anyway...got some family coming over. And I will have an AMAZING time..no doubt about that

    Take care talk to u later
  2. s_tor_m
    June 9th 2009 01:31 AM - permalink
    Yeah I love spending my nights getting into a good movie. Whenever I go over to my sisters house that's usually all we do is watch movies haha. I used to feel bad about doing it, but everyone does it these days, and its right there! its hard not to lol

    Lmao I don't think I've met someone who thought sneezes were the best feeling in the world I know what you mean tho...when you feel a sneeze coming and it won't come out. and then it finally comes...that's a pretty awesome feeling Oh living on an island sounds cool! I've never been on one before. Though I can see it losing intrest pretty quickly. Noo not a geographer at all lol. I can never read maps or directions. I learn visually so I can remember "that little red house on the corner" but if its a place i've never been, then I'm kinda screwed Yeahh I actually love getting lost sometimes. I love knowing that nobody knows where you are...such a thrill

    Yesss I need my alone time. Well I was reffering to this site lol...but I use facebook every now and then. Although I dont talk to many people on there so it's kind of a waste of time for me

    Yeah it is Victoria..but only 0.1% of the number of people I know actually call me that lol. My sister made up Tor about 5 years ago and it's been my nickname ever since I think I've only met one other Joel...bringing my grand total to two
  3. s_tor_m
    June 9th 2009 12:49 AM - permalink
    Ah so it's one of those films that make you feel all fuzzy inside and never want the movie to end? Those are always nice Aww that's the bad part about rentals. I usually just go find on online for free. Shhh don't tell anyone

    Bless you, bless you, bless you. Yeah it's actually pretty cool cause I live kind of in a valley. If I go a couple hours one direction I'll be in the mountains with snow...if I go an hour the opposite direction I hit the ocean...and if I go 30 mins north there's a huge lake for camping n such. California has just about every kind of land there is lol. Idk if I'd want to travel alone...I'm horrible with directions so no doubt I would end up lost in some foreign language-speaking country. Although that would be pretty interesting

    Yeah just keep it flowing until the color starts to leave your face, then you can stop Sounds like a plan. Yay lazy days ftw. I'm gonna have no spare time the next few weeks so some alone time is in need. To which I spend it on a social networking site all day..haha that makes a lot of sense doesn't it?

    I hear ya, a lot of people have the coolest names and they want to legally change it. Good for you for liking yours
  4. s_tor_m
    June 9th 2009 12:21 AM - permalink
    Oh I can't not like it huh? Is that like a known rule of this movie? Well i'll definatly have to see it then

    Sunshine state is actually Florida...but the sun does shine quite a bit here so that's a common mistake. Nah we don't have everything here...maybe a lot, but not everything. People seem to be more down to earth and genuine in other countries. Meh idk. I'd just like to go travel around Europe for a while, see what else is out there ya know. Ohh yeah, sorry Rob! It wasn't us, we swear!

    Yeah thats how I see it too..I got plenty to spare, why not save a life? Oh yeah, SO much fun lol. Yess very much looking forward to it. Today is a pretty lazy day for me as well...then again what Monday isnt. Sorry you couldn't go out tho, that's no fun =/

    Thanks, I'm pretty fond of it myself Joel is a pretty cool name too...don't meet too many Joel's
  5. s_tor_m
    June 8th 2009 11:00 PM - permalink
    Who doesn't like a good ole romantic comedy? I've been meaning to see that one but the opportunity never came up. Yeah I hardly ever cry, but that ones a tearjerker, you've been warned

    Haha! yeah! There's like a 2 second pause where you don't feel it and your face goes . The suspense is torture! Then when it doesn't happen, it's like the biggest relief LOL

    I'm just down the road from NY about 3,000 miles (or for you English people that's 4,827 km.) Start walking and you should get to my house in about 2 months I'm in California, so on the complete opposite side of the country LOL. I guess it's "awesome" here. I've never been anywhere outside the US so I have nothing to compare it to...but people who visit here say it's awesome so I suppose it is Haha, sorry in advance to THer's for crashing their site...crashing unintended xD

    Eek that sounds pretty brutal lol. Nah I think they only take about a pint...if you took double you would probably just pass out for a few mins and wake up with a killer headache. Fun!

    Not too bad...just doing some laundry and packing. How's your day been? Ya know I don't think we formally introduced ourselves LOL. You probably have already figured it out but... I'm Tor, nice to meet you!
  6. s_tor_m
    June 8th 2009 10:15 PM - permalink
    I actually haven't seen that one surprisingly...*adds to list*. I just watched Bridge to Terabithia last night, and even though it's a kids movie it still almost made me cry. Almost.

    Ahhh why did you have to go and say that?! I got like shivers down my spine now haha

    Maybe we should just switch places for a week or so I don't really care where I go necessarily...although I do want to see Big Ben, and all that typical touristy stuff. To be honest I'm just like 95% of Americans and I just love your lovely English accent Aww I think our boards are in need of some comfort food! If they were on auto we would have pages and pages to read haha

    Heh you'd be like a comeback kid Hm twice the recommended might end you up passed out on the floor! lol. I can tell you likes it a lot...that's kind of a given haha
  7. s_tor_m
    June 8th 2009 09:29 PM - permalink
    I'm always looking for new things to watch too...any recommendations? You have to watch Sandlot...it's a must see It's kind of an old movie..but maybe its just a US thing so you haven't heard of it. ?

    Haha it only lasts like 4 seconds...but those 4 seconds are the worst! And no I have no idea what it is...but if I ever find out I'll fill you in.

    What a coincidence...MY dream goal is to go to England haha. I go to NY every couple years cause I have family over there..but I've only got to spend one day in the city...so this trip should be better...TWO whole days But yeah it's defiantly the place to go if you just want a fun time, so much to do you'll never get bored Whoa I didn't know I had the ability to create feelings out of a comment board hehe. Mine will miss your as welll

    Aww that's not cool of her...she should have at least given you a moment to grovel. Good as old..I've never heard that before. Nice Well in a week or so, show up "good as old" and be like "what now sucka?"

    Thank you, again You're more artistic with your cool effects n such. I hope you can go to an art school someday too, you got somethin there.
  8. s_tor_m
    June 8th 2009 08:52 PM - permalink
    Hmm favorite film of all time...that's a tough one. I honestly couldn't tell ya cause I have no idea lol. Although one film I never get tired of watching is The Sandlot. Ever seen it?

    Eek I hate that feeling! Everytime I jump off of something I always cross my fingers that it doesn't happen..but it usually does. Gahh it makes me cringe lol. I'm actually going to New York here in a couple days...actually two days. wow didn't know it was that soon! But yeah I'll be gone for about 2 weeks with no TH access. Sad day. What are you going out there for?

    Ahh yeah I was just getting over mine so that's probably why. Okay so maybe not as good as new...but you know what I mean

    Ah thank you Yeah that drawing was just a doodle that I kept up for an entire day of school Didn't get much studying done that day hehe
  9. s_tor_m
    June 8th 2009 08:01 PM - permalink
    Yess it's true about Toy Story 3...I think it comes out next year though. But I'm still stoked about it! Gotta love the classics.

    I've missed the trampoline a few times in my day...landed on a wooden deck one time haha. I really don't know how to describe how to do them...I mean I just kinda jump and....flip! Say if you ever make a trip out to the states, I'll help you achieve that distant dream of yours haha

    Aww really? Guess I don't know what I'm talking about then haha. Ah well colds usually don't last too long...maybe in a week or so you'll be goood as new.

    No worries...I couldn't really sleep last night either. Haha yeah I guess our messages are a bit long aren't they Oh on a random note, I checked out your flickr page (since Im curious like that) and you're really good! I love that one of the tree on the first page...the effects on it are really cool
  10. s_tor_m
    June 8th 2009 01:49 AM - permalink
    ahah its not too far...but I take forever to wake up..so I begin the wake-up process at 6

    That would be so cool! Falling with style like Buzz Lightyear xD Haha! chief-stress gymnast...I dig it No not the cheerleading type. My school wanted me to do it since I can tumble and do flips and all that buuuut no thank you. Trampolines are so much fun (make that your second purchase after the bike ) Umm...I just play around and do back/front flips mostly. Nothing too exciting lol

    Ohh your a needle fearer, that does make it a bit more nerve racking doesnt it? I never minded needles, even as a youngin, so it didnt bother me at all. Just think of that life you could potentially be saving! That's what always keeps me coming back That and the free food, and the giant bandage. Hope it goes okay though

    Okayy have a good night...talk to you lata

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