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ThoughtManifest Offline


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  1. CherriesBlossom
    September 28th 2009 08:35 PM - permalink
    Hello there.
    My names Katie and I'm a teenhelp buddy.
    If you need anything, help with navigation or just want to chat you can messege me and I'll help you.

    Make sure you post in our arrivles and departures forum and so people know your new and get to know you better (:

    also read the stickys and rules of each forum to make sure you don't offend anyone.

    Good luck and have fun around here.

    p.s i love you username!


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Posted November 13th 2009 at 02:15 PM by ThoughtManifest Comments 0
---triggering (suicide/sh)

I'm not sure if it's because of hormones or what, but I completely overreacted last night in a sad manner. My mother was obviously in a lot of pain from taking a shower and was angry when she came down, telling me to take the dog out again (which I did). When I came back she said that my phone was going crazy and she had picked it up and saw that I had a calendar appointment. (Dad was also calling, so that prolly made it seem like it was freaking

Posted November 8th 2009 at 05:29 AM by ThoughtManifest Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
(trigerring- SH)

The title really says it all. The past week has been terrible, I've been getting so angry it's become concerning even to me. I don't know what to do with all of this. I can't tell anyone because they'd put something on my record or do something to stop me from going to college. Either from my parent's perspective or the college admission's people. I can't get the help I need without giving up my future!

Somehow this has become my reality and I can't

Posted November 5th 2009 at 04:56 AM by ThoughtManifest Comments 0
Spent some time exploring a new genre of music that's somewhere between techno and industrial and noise. It feels really good, even though the singers scream a lot (but that's more my parents talking than me) which includes bands such as Cyanotic and 16Volt among others. It's actually really calming.

So I had my birthday about a week ago and got a hundred dollars from my uncle. I thought about buying DJ Hero with it, but with the new onslaught of stress and my parents being generally

Posted November 2nd 2009 at 07:33 AM by ThoughtManifest Comments 0
--warning: language

Not crazy depressed either, don't get me wrong, but just lackluster. Saw my cousin for the first time in years, went over to his house for dinner. Going to anyone's house lately makes me so sad, like I should have my sisters there. It didn't help that my mother couldn't go because of this goddamn urinary track infection (the fucking thing has been around for 6+ months!) that left her completely out of commission all day.

I felt so out of place the

Posted October 29th 2009 at 05:10 AM by ThoughtManifest Comments 1
Second one so far, I really like her to. Doesn't feel like she's talking down to me or patronizing me, just listening and letting me work things out without any judgement. Don't get that too often at home, so it's a big relief.

After I explained more of what my home life is like, she said that she hadn't ever really had a person like me in her office before. Seeing how she's been doing this for 10+ years, that was a bit of a surprise and helps me to realize that I'm not overreacting
Recent Comments
Hey there! Glad to hear...
Posted October 29th 2009 at 09:11 PM by .Sarah. .Sarah. is offline
Thanks, feels good to...
Posted October 17th 2009 at 04:35 AM by ThoughtManifest ThoughtManifest is offline
I hear you.
Posted October 17th 2009 at 04:16 AM by Katrina Katrina is offline
wow, you seem like a...
Posted October 16th 2009 at 04:16 PM by noodle noodle is offline

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