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Welcome me, I'm new!

TheChoirQueer Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. MyPastMadeMe
    January 6th 2013 01:55 PM - permalink
    Happy birthday (late) I'm 15 too.
  2. ~Divergent~
    January 5th 2013 09:01 PM - permalink
    Happy birthday, Helena!
    I just turned 15 too.
  3. DeletedAccount17
    January 5th 2013 05:08 AM - permalink
    Happy 15th Birthday, Helena! I'm Christabel, beautiful name by the way.

    ~ Christabel

About Me

  • Basics
    Transgender, I think..
    Pennsylvania, The United States of America, Earth
  • About
    About me
    Hi! I'm Helena! I live in the US. I don't wanna be too specific, because of privacy reasons, but I'll say I live in Pennsylvania. My favourite colour is rainbow, and if that doesn't count as a colour, then I like sea green. I tend to use the British spelling of words like "colour" (instead of "color"). I am a very music geek-y person. I am in choir and am madly obsessed with it. I actually am learning to conduct choirs, which is what I want to do when I get older, along with being a mathematician and possibly a jazz singer. Yeah, I love math. Math geeks unite!
    I have depression, which I won't get into, but I'll just put that out there for you to know. I may have mild dyslexia, but nothing too big where it becomes a real problem.
    I am a lesbian. I don't mean to be in-your-face flamer about it, but I wanna say that because it's part of me and this IS the "About Me" section. I don't have a girlfriend right now. I did, but she was... not nice, to put it politely.
    As for my gender, I really don't know. I don't think I'm transgender because I love to wear heels and wear pretty dresses, but I like to feel "masculine" and would want to be the "dad" if I ever had a kid (which, I probably wouldn't, because if I wanna be a high school choir teacher, the last thing I wanna come home to is MORE kids, if you catch my drift) and etc. I'm still debating, in other words. I used to use "genderfluid" as a label, but it didn't really fit me that well, so I'm using "genderqueer" right now, in hopes that'll help me figure out what it is.
    I enjoy fanfiction. Especially Megamind fanfiction. I write some, I read some, it's just fun to me. Because Megamind is one of the very, very few exceptions to my homosexuality, despite the fact that he's a fictional, animated, blue, male alien. But he's a HOT fictional, animated, blue, male alien! ;)
    I am kind of a grammar geek. Like, I'm all "OMG! There's a gerund!" and the like. I don't know why; I blame my Language Arts teacher from last year, though (in the "Haha, I blame you way!" not the "I hate you! You suck! I blame you!" way). And I like alliteration, which I can go overboard with sometimes.
    Well, yeah. That's me. there's more, and I'll update this when I think of it, but yep. So, hopefully someone can show me around on here so I can get the hang of it. I'm so used to QA (www.queerattitude.com) that I forget how to use any other forum related thing.
    Well, hopefully I'll get to meet y'all (yes, I say y'all; no, I'm not from Texas or Tennessee or anything-I was born and raised in PA) and make some friends(?)
    Okay, well have a great day and an awesome life and I will see ya 'round! :D
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    In a non-serious relationship
    High School
    I Don't Know
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Conducting, Singing (especially scat singing), Composing Music, Playing Piano, FanFiction, Writing, Drawing, Colouring, Photo Editing, Video Games (sometimes), and other stuff I can't think of right now.
    I like lots of different types of music. I enjoy singing jazz music, but I don't listen to it all that much (my mom HATES it). I listen to all sorts of stuff. For example, I like anti-folk such as Regina Spektor. Then, there's contemporary, like Ingrid Michelson and Sara Barellies. I like NeverShoutNever. I enjoy listening to rap/hip-hop, but I don't really like it in the sense where I appreciate as a "fine art". I like opera, and my favourite opera song is "Queen of the Night". In choral music, I tend to like more legato (smooth, slower, flowey) music. And, yeah...
    MEGAMIND! Yes! Just Yes! I love that movie so much! Oh, how I love that movie. I could just talk about that movie for ages, so I'll shut up now before I go overboard fangirl on you.
    I also like The Adjustment Bureau and School of Rock. I love RENT (the 2005 movie). Mean Girls is a good one. So is the Breakfast Club. Oh, and The Muppets (new movie, 2010). And Valentine's Day. So, I'm mostly into Romantic Comedies and I tend not to like a lot of "Kid's Movies" but Megamind is way more than a kid's movie, so yeah. :p
    "Psych"! OHMYGODILOVESHAWNSPENCER! As ridiculously not straight as I am, I still have a fangirl crush on Shawn Spencer (played by James Roday). Yeah, I really like that show.
    Then, I have a new liking for "The Mentalist". I really like "The Nanny" and "Melissa and Joey". I watch "America's Got Talent" regularly. That's about it. I also like "OMFGitsJackandDean" but they are a webshow and I didn't know if that'd count.
    I really (let me stress REALLY) like Sims 3. I really like it. I do. I can't play it that much because my computer is a meanie, but when I can, I enjoy that game. I like a lot of the older Gamecube games, such as Mario Party (all of them), Super Smash bros. Melee, PacMan World 2, Tony Hawk's Underground 2, MarioKart Double Dash, etc.
    That's about it.
    I don't really like to read anything that's not fanfiction, but I have a liking for "The Bermudez Triangle" by Maureen Johnson. I also like "The Amanda Project" series. And "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas".
    I don't like them. Except Women's tennis. ;) Nah, I'm just kidding. but, really, I'm not into sports. Sometimes it's fun to watch the Super Bowl or something, but I'm not really into that stuff.
    Megamind! Haha, in a way he is, but seriously...
    I'd have to say my biggest hero is my choir director. It's really dorky and all, but I look up to him a lot and he was the one who taught me how to conduct and which mode is which and a bunch of other music theory stuff I could talk about for ages. But, yeah. He always helps me out when I'm having an issue or something and is my role model.
    Favorite quotes
    "Funny, I guess destiny is not the path given to us, but the path we choose for ourselves." - Megamind (2010)
    "Sing now, scratch later" - my choir camp director.
    "Live life in ƒƒƒ (fff, for those who can't read it due to weird computer issues)" - Me! I think so, anyway.
    Other interests
    Breathing. And drinking tea (preferably Snapple Peach Iced Tea, but any Peach Tea will do).
  • Signature
    What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Each face in the rainbow of colors that populate our world is precious and special.


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  • Join Date: June 11th 2012
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