I've been through ups and downs in my times away. Currently in a low point after breaking off a year-long relationship, but I'm healing. It's so cool to hear from other people with synesthesia. It's interesting for me because my colors aren't so distinct. Like, the associations I have are not totally set in stone. And some colors have two totally different emotions that go with them. I think I was in a metaphorical "grayscale world" while I was depressed. I just don't remember what's going on in my brain. (Long-term depression can do that to a person...)
For me, Art is a window back into myself and my Colors. I've been really depressed ever since I turned 19. (One week after my b-day my kitten was hit by a car.) Majorly traumatic life events like that can shut down synesthetic connections temporarily.
Basically, I am stepping into a world of color and it's beautiful & overwhelming. I try to channel that into my art.
Well, that was a really ramble-y message, but oh well. It's 1 AM, my verbal skills are deteriorating. It's nice to meet you, Kyra.