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Not a n00b

stina Offline

~Wanting it all back

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 13 of 13
  1. ale_x3_ily
    January 25th 2009 07:42 PM - permalink
    I don't know if you remember me! I talked to you a couple weeks ago when I was asking for advice about my ex boyfriend. You told me your situation in the chat room?
    Anyway I hope you're doing better!
    Get back to me sooon!
  2. Trickmatic
    January 13th 2009 12:47 PM - permalink
    Thank youuuu<3
  3. Trickmatic
    January 6th 2009 10:50 PM - permalink
    Hello there :]

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    :The Basics::.
    Name: Krystina
    Birthdate: Feb 17
    Birthplace location: Etobicoke
    Where you live now: Home
    Do you wear glasses or contacts?: Yes, both
    Do you look like your Mom or your Dad?: Dad more so
    How tall are you?: 5'2 ish
    Would you change your height if you could? If yes...taller or shorter?: Nah
    What color is your hair?: Brown
    Have you ever dyed it?: Too many times
    Put highlights in it?: Course
    What grade will you be going into?: Third year Uni
    Are you excited?: Very

    .::Step 2: Your Home::.
    How long have you lived in the house you're living in? 21 years
    Do you like it there? It's okay
    Do you have a lot of trees by your house? Not a lot
    When you look out at your backyard, what do you see? Trees
    How many floors/stories are in your house? 2 + basement
    Do you have a basement? If so, is it finished? Yes
    In your basement, do you have a pool table, ping-pong table, etc? Nope
    How many rooms are in your house? enough
    Do you like your bedroom? Yeah sure
    Describe your room: Blue and brown
    What color is the carpet in your room?: Laminate floor
    Do you have your own bathroom or do you have to share one?: Share
    How many bathrooms are in your house?: 1
    What is across the hall from your room? : A wall
    Do you have a TV or a computer in your room? : My laptop

    .::Step 3: Your Job::.
    Do you even have a job? No

    .::Step 4: Your Hobbies/Activities/Favorites::.
    What's your favorite sport to play? to watch? Hockey to watch, tennis to play
    Do you collect anything? Not really unless colds count
    Do you prefer to watch TV or watch a movie? movie
    What's your favorite TV show? Lost
    Favorite movie? I have many right now
    What's your favorite kind of music to listen to? Rock
    Have you ever been to a concert? Wayy too many
    Who's your favorite band/artist? Uhm, at the moment- nickelback
    Have you been to their concert? No:(
    Do you have an iPod? Nope
    What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Watch the rain!
    Do you like to read? Some days
    What's your favorite sports team? uhmmmm donno. Leafs suck.
    Have you been to a professional sports game in the last 2 months? Nope
    Who is your favorite athlete? No clue

    .::Step 5: Your Future::.
    What will you be doing 2 weeks from now? chillin out. Hopefully have a job
    What about 2 months from now? Same as above
    2 years? Working
    Where are you going to college? Lakehead
    What will you be majoring in? Geo
    What job are you hoping to get when you get out of college? Teacher
    What age is a good age to get married at? 25
    Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? Uhmm somewhere secluded.
    How many kids do you want? how many boys? how many girls? 2 boys, 2 girls
    Where do you want to live when you're married? US probably. Or northern canada
    Where will you be spending your next birthday? How old will you be turning? 22, and school
    When's a good age to retire? What do you want to do once you're retired? 60. Travel!
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    It's complicated
    University - Undergraduate
    No Idea
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Roller Blading, Ice Skating, Reading, Writing, Listening to Music, Surfing the Interwebs, etc.
    Bunch of everything.

    Bon Jovi
    Brad Paisley
    Paul Brandt
    Miley Cyrus (don't laugh :P)
    Jonas Brothers
    Bryan Adams
    other such amazing stuff.
    Eternal Sunshine
    Donnie Darko
    Paranoid Park
    Grey's Anatomy
    Criminal Minds
    Harper's Island
    Twilight Series
    Harry Potter Series
    Go Ask Alice
    Catch 22
    Roller Blading
    Ice skating
    Favorite quotes
    An angel in the book of life,
    wrote down my baby's birth.
    Whispered as she closed the book,
    "Too beautiful for Earth"
  • Signature
    Go on and hold her
    till the screaming is gone
    Go on believe her
    when she tells you
    'Nothings wrong'

    Even if I tried could you be less than an addiction?


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General Information
  • Last Activity: October 19th 2009 03:25 PM
  • Join Date: January 5th 2009
  • Referrals: 0


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