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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 213
  1. dancer
    August 6th 2009 04:32 AM - permalink
    lol exactly!!!! Especially at my school. I went to an all-girls high school where the people in my class were possibly way too comfortable around each other

    lol at graduation one of my guy friends who had come came over and hugged me and apparently shocked my uncle
  2. dancer
    August 6th 2009 03:59 AM - permalink
    lol yeah, I'm rather an introvert too. Which is the opposite from the rest of my family, so things get kinda interesting

    Having taken it at school from the time I was three or so kinda helped some But yeah, French is really pretty. I mean, English can sound nice, but I don't really think of it as sounding "beautiful" the way I do French.

    Mmm, yeah, I understand that. I remember last year I'd get to school and be tackle-hugged by someone or other in the hallway and be like "I really like school"
  3. dancer
    August 6th 2009 03:41 AM - permalink
    Glad you had a relaxing summer! I'm not sure if I ever get one of those I feel like I start out seemingly having "nothing" to do and then end up never having free time to just like breathe or something.

    My summer is actually still going on (50 more days!). It's been pretty busy; I'm tutoring a girl in French, which has been sort of cool.

    So how ya doin' today?
  4. dancer
    August 4th 2009 05:36 AM - permalink
    lol yeah, the timing is a little weird.

    Procrastination can be nice Though I often give myself panic attacks when I do that

    I'm pretty good right now, too. Family bleckness as usual, but I'm hanging in there.

    So, I don't think I ever asked how your summer was?
  5. dancer
    August 4th 2009 04:20 AM - permalink
    Helloooooo lucky person who I realized is in school while I have to wait another fifty-two days. How's it been going for you?

    Hope you've been doing alright
  6. MadPoet
    August 1st 2009 07:13 PM - permalink
    Haha, that's like the worst part of school half the time. Not being able to stay up till four in the morning and then sleep in. xD It takes awhile to adjust to :/
  7. dancer
    August 1st 2009 12:37 AM - permalink
    lol thanks Glad my internet access isn't the only one that's sketchy for the moment.

    Ooh, cramps. Not fun. I want to know who invented those because whoeveritis and I need to talk until they un-invent them. Hope you're doing better!

    Btw, like the avatar
  8. Anomaly
    July 30th 2009 12:20 PM - permalink
    Your aleardy back that sucks...we go back in 2 weeks but register on monday im not excited at all.
  9. Anomaly
    July 29th 2009 08:23 AM - permalink
    Nope nothing new really went to church camp and that went well know im just sitting around the house waiting for school to start up again what about you?....and thx penguins are amazing
  10. MadPoet
    July 29th 2009 05:54 AM - permalink
    lol, gotta love being a girl. xD
    mehh, not really. I go back to school in about a month from now, and I'm actually kind of excited (even though that's like, insane). Summer hasn't been to big of an adventure :P Haha. How's school going for you, now that you're back?

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    About me
    Formerly known as Ninjapoptart here on TH.

    Well, let's see:

    My name is Sam, live in AZ, yada yada. I first found TH February of 2008 and it pretty much saved my life at the time. I love everyone here, its a fantastic site and has helped me many times :)

    I feel like I've changed so much in the past two years of my life that I'm a completely different person. And for the first time in my life, I love the person I've become. I feel like I'm on the road to getting better and starting over and I'm happier than I have been in a long time. Let's hope it lasts :)

    I like helping people; sometimes it helps me help myself. I don't judge. Period. If you ever want to talk or have a random conversation, PM or comment me. It might take me awhile but I will (eventually) reply :)
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    Like to help and be helped
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    It's complicated
    High School
    smart ass
    Leaning towards Pagan but I'm more about philosophy than religion.
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    I read, write, spontaneously dance, sleep, and procrastinate like no other.
    I've got a pretty diverse list, rock, orchestra, alternative, whatevs.
    My favorite movies:
    Boondock Saints
    V for Vendetta
    Good Will Hunting
    Dawn of the Dead (and Shawn of the Dead)
    Band of Brothers
    Hard Candy
    All of Star Wars
    Little Miss Sunshine
    and the list goes on and on...
    That 70's Show, MANswers, Deadliest Warrior.
    I'm in love with Resident Evil and Left 4 Dead <3
    My favorite books at the moment are:

    Pretty Little Mistakes (a really cool book, I recommend it for all)
    Perks of Being a Wallflower
    Get Well Soon
    A Clockwork Orange
    Impulse, Burned, Crank--pretty much all of Ellen Hopkins' stuff
    The Rose and the Beast--a beautiful compilation of fairy tales retold/modernized
    Track and Volleyball
    My friends
    Everyone who's ever found something beautiful in this ugly world.
    Favorite quotes
    "I, too, am on fire." --my friend Sara
    Other interests
    I love to write and I use a website called mibba to post my stuff. If you ever wanna check it out, here's my profile:
  • Signature
    Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
    But everything that lives is born to die
    And so I say to you that nothing really matters
    And all you do is stand and cry.

    Music is life. Start living.


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