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I've been here a while

Snufkin Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 551 to 560 of 565
  1. Power Cosmic
    June 3rd 2010 02:54 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Dude, I don't mean to stalk your posts on the thread, but Ensiferum? AWESOME . I love that band. What do you think of Victory Songs in comparison to their previous albums? I mean, I know it's a different vocalist and stuff, but I personally still think the band have got it, I mean, the number of times I've windmilled, pished out my head to "One More Magic Potion"....*nostalgic sigh* xD.
  2. Spellbound
    June 2nd 2010 07:54 PM - permalink
    I agree with you, it's really disappointing lately. Season 2 and 3 were my favorites. What I liked was the little love triangle between Pam, Jim and Karen . And oh my gosh, Stress Relief. That was one of the best episodes ever So hilarious.
  3. Spellbound
    June 2nd 2010 03:19 AM - permalink
    Haha yeah, that was a great episode! It was really exciting. So, while on the topic of The Office, what's your favorite season? xD
  4. Spellbound
    June 1st 2010 06:52 PM - permalink
    Yeah, you're right, Idina is amazing. I love her! She looks exactly like Rachel, so I was glad that they made her Rachel's mom. And ooh, that's right. The anticipation makes it better, like with Jim and Pam. I liked Jim and Pam more before they got married and all that, when you were wondering when the hell they were going to finally get together!
  5. Spellbound
    June 1st 2010 04:15 AM - permalink
    Emma singing = ♥. I love her voice. She needs to sing more! I liked that one scene in the Madonna episode, when they were singing Like A Virgin. <3 That was great
    I hated the break too. I just wanted to know what happened between them. x I wish that they would just get back to the Will and Emma thing already, even though Will has been playing the field way too much lately. Haha :P
  6. Spellbound
    June 1st 2010 03:49 AM - permalink
    Haha. I haven't been liking these past episodes much since it came back. My favorite was the one where Rachel and Puck get together and Puck sings Sweet Caroline. What was that one called? Do you know?
    Sectionals was also one of my favorites. Especially the end, when Will and Emma kiss .
  7. Spellbound
    June 1st 2010 03:16 AM - permalink
    Haha, she's my favorite character as well. She is adorable. So cute. xD I also really like Puck, and I'm glad that they're giving him more songs to sing. He's better than Finn in my opinion. Lol, Terri, I hated her. She was a bitch.
    How are you liking the new season so far? xD
  8. Spellbound
    June 1st 2010 02:36 AM - permalink
    We definitely do. So, judging by your avatar, is Emma your favorite character in Glee? xD
  9. Spellbound
    June 1st 2010 12:29 AM - permalink
    I see you like Glee, Friends, and the Office. So, hiii .
  10. Doodle.
    May 30th 2010 05:18 PM - permalink
    I remember my friend going to a Ceilidh dance and she was really excited to tell me I'm from Wales

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    Relationship status
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    University - Undergraduate
    Scottish Nationalist
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  • Interests
    Wondering why people say Tescos when it's called Tesco.
    Idlewild, Nightwish, The Weeknd, The Wonder Years, Lonely the Brave, Lights, The Decemberists, Nine Inch Nails.
    In Bruges, Little Miss Sunshine, Let The Right One In, Pan's Labyrinth.
    Graham Norton, Community, Game of Thrones, The Simpsons, Friends, The Office, Planet Earth, Scrubs, Have I Got News For You, Younger, Louis Theroux.
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  • Join Date: January 17th 2009
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