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Welcome me, I'm new!

Smudgey Offline

Pie <3

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Mel
    February 11th 2010 04:31 AM - permalink
    Happy birthday!
  2. Power Cosmic
    February 10th 2010 10:14 AM - permalink
    Power Cosmic
    Hey Anna, not even sure if you still come on here anymore, but just in case you do, Happy Birthday ^_^
  3. CanadaCraig
    February 10th 2010 08:34 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday Pie!!
    I hope you're having a dandy day!!

  4. MoonbeamQskyee
    September 5th 2009 02:02 AM - permalink
    Hey, I noticed you had an anti eyebrow piercing, and was wondering if they were dermal anchors, or if it was a surfacepiercing?
    and how much do dermal anchrs hurt? (if you have any) they look painful to implant, and what gage needles do they use to create the pocket? (=

    Thanks in advance!
  5. rockerbabe12292
    April 20th 2009 11:35 PM - permalink
    Congrats on getting engaged!!!!

    Best of luck,
  6. Algernon
    April 19th 2009 05:59 PM - permalink
    I read your sig. I like how you have all those piercings. I just starting getting all mine, so far I have my lip and working on my ears. Which ones do you like the most?
  7. pablothedrugmule
    March 28th 2009 05:12 PM - permalink
    hey how are you?
  8. Tara.
    March 4th 2009 11:16 AM - permalink
    Welcome back. (=

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    I have a short attention sp... ooooh a lollypop!!!!

    I'm Pie.
    I'm 3.141592653589793
    I like to get metal poked through me.
    I'm an apprentice body piercer.
    I maintain the longest ever bestfriendship with Heatherblether.
    I live with Lexykins and Jamie.
    We have two rats, Muss and Chilie.
    I love Jamie.
    Jamie loves Pie.
    I have two sisters Ruth and Morag.
    I'm a geek.
    I work at SPAR! There for YOU.
    I like boys.
    I like girls.
    I want babies!!
    I must have a kitten.
    I love shoes.
    I only drink Malibu.
    Vodka makes me horny.
    I love pink.
    My pink things:
    Nintendo DS.

    BTW the Lynx Effect works!

    Things I don't like:
    Smelly boys.
    OTT sex.
    Jack Daniels.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    University - Postgraduate
    Supervisor/Trainee Body Piercer
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Piercings are a huge part of my life. I have 64. My left ear consists of 4 helixes, conch, 3 lobe, 8mm tunnel, 2 daith, web, bar through cartillage above rook, tragus and skindiver beside my tragus. My right ear contains, horizontal scaffolding, vertical scaffholding, 2 rook, ragner, 3 helix, 2 skindivers beside my tragus, 8mm tunnel, 5mm tunnel and 2 4mm tunnels on lobe. My face has 2 skin divers beside both my eyes, septum, vertical lip, double snakebites, labret, venoms, madonna, nose, smiley and webbing. Body: 4 microdermals on my breastplate, 3 microdermals on my wrist, nipple, 2 navel, 2 skindivers and a microdermal on my lower back, a microdermal on my nape, Christina, hood, triangle and a skindiver on my pubic bone.
    Doctor Who, Torchwood, Scrubs, Heroes, Lost, The L Word, Spooks, Futurama, Brainiac.
    Other interests
    I'm on top of the world right now. I have the most amazing friends, perfect boyfriend, awesome job and I'm training to be a body piercer! I'm happy in myself after I finally beat Bulimia Nervosa at Christmas after 9 years of torment. I have the best flat... in the world! With a lifetime supply of Rock Band and the Wall of Rock, what could be better? I have a brilliant flatmate, Lexy. Heather is now just up the road which is ultimate, nearly 17 years of bestfriendship and I can finally just nip round for a cuppa!! My rats are wonderful and a year old now! Happy Pie, I must say!
  • Signature
    100 Piercings in my body


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General Information
  • Last Activity: May 24th 2010 03:55 PM
  • Join Date: March 4th 2009
  • Referrals: 0


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  • Points: 9,788
  • Level: 14
  • Points: 9,788, Level: 14 Points: 9,788, Level: 14 Points: 9,788, Level: 14
  • Level up: 46%
  • Points needed: 762
  • Level up: 46% - 762 Points needed Level up: 46% Level up: 46% - 762 Points needed
Points for user
  • Points for User: 9,594
  • Per day: 9,417
  • Friends: 3
  • Visitormessages: 2
  • Albumpictures: 3
  • Filled profile: 170
Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 152
  • Threads: 50
  • Tags: 4
  • Replies: 18
  • Views: 81
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  • Points for Posts: 42
  • Posts: 42

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