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Smokey Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. ForeverAnna
    August 3rd 2012 09:06 PM - permalink

    I'm so sorry. God. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have waited this long to reply, please tell me you're okay. I feel like shit, I told you I'd be there for you but I ditched when you need me. I've just read your PM and I'll reply soon but I need to sort something out first. Ive figured out what's wrong with me though...

    I'm sorry

  2. cuttergirl17
    August 3rd 2012 03:03 PM - permalink
    idk how much longer I can go on without the happiness you gave me
  3. ForeverAnna
    July 29th 2012 10:02 PM - permalink
    You sure you're okay? Havent smoked yet?

    Eh.. I don't know how I am if I'm honest. My insomnia is awful, I get nightmares that make me wanna either stay awake forever or end it all I guess my shitty mood could just be because I'm tired but I don't know what else to do. I really want to go to the doctors but, I think I've got some sort of anxiety thing; I just can't the idea of seeing a doctor, talking to a stranger makes me really scared
  4. ForeverAnna
    July 28th 2012 10:03 AM - permalink
    You better not stop fighting just because I can barely message you, I will come over there and kick your ass! Come on, tell me how you're doing!
  5. ForeverAnna
    July 27th 2012 11:39 AM - permalink
    Hey, sorry I can't view or reply to your private message, I'm on my crappy phone and it won't let me do much... I'm baby-sitting over night at my sisters house so I don't have my laptop...talk soon
  6. kat_atack
    July 23rd 2012 03:03 AM - permalink
    good thanks what are you doing
  7. kat_atack
    July 20th 2012 05:20 AM - permalink
    hello, how are you
  8. cuttergirl17
    July 19th 2012 10:29 AM - permalink
    Look up a song called make it in america by victorious .... Total girl song but it totally reminds me of driving on a day with the sun shining, top down, n blasting the music super load ==
  9. cuttergirl17
    July 19th 2012 03:29 AM - permalink
    Just so u know sometimes when a person is in chat it may say their offline, but doesnt mean they r -_-
  10. SamTurtle
    July 17th 2012 07:02 AM - permalink
    Hey, I just wanted to take some time to welcome you to TeenHelp. If you ever need someone to talk to, whether it's about serious stuff or a small chat (like how the new Batman movie comes out this Friday - SQUEEEEE!!), I'm always here. C:
    I'd love to get to know more about you, so please feel free to reply to this or PM me. ^_^
    As for me? Well. I just like to write, sleep, play video games, and help people. c:
    Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on TeenHelp. :3

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  • Last Activity: February 12th 2013 02:49 AM
  • Join Date: July 15th 2012
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