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Skyy Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. Stuck.in.time
    October 9th 2012 08:47 PM - permalink
    hello Chandra! Thought I'd just drop by and say hi! How have you been? Sorry I haven't chatted with you for so long I just got back from overseas. But anyway, I hope you've recovered well and I wish you a pleasant day! Take care!
  2. Stuck.in.time
    August 9th 2012 07:41 AM - permalink
    Seriously?? How many weeks has it been? I hope it's not as severe as before... Take care Chandra- keep resting and take some pain relievers.
  3. Stuck.in.time
    August 8th 2012 01:02 PM - permalink
    Hi Chandra! I hope you're feeling better!
  4. Stuck.in.time
    August 3rd 2012 08:07 AM - permalink
    Oh, Chandra! Well at least it's getting better thank goodness. Sorry to hear that it's still not-so-good between those two, but you've got us! (the people on this website ) Yes I am doing well, a few tests and assessments here and there, but other than that, I'm good. Thanks for asking Hope you had a good day today/ yesterday (not sure about the time difference) despite your head hurting. Take care Chandra!
  5. Stuck.in.time
    August 2nd 2012 06:03 AM - permalink
    Hi Chandra!!
    Sorry for the late reply!- I haven't been able to log on
    Oh my gosh! He seriously had no right to do that, whatever the argument was! And to drag you out??- he could have made it more serious. I'm just glad it isn't as bad it could've been. I'm really sorry to hear that Chandra! Don't take to heart by the way. I hope it feels better now. It's been a week right?? I hope you'll accept a virtual hug?! - I'm such a noob that I don't know how to put a hug graphic thingy... GET BETTER OKAY AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
  6. George^^
    July 30th 2012 12:16 AM - permalink
    Ah, I respect that. The internet would take it and make it something huge and something ugly (with all those haters out there and all.)
  7. George^^
    July 29th 2012 11:55 PM - permalink
    ^^' I'll google it. For a moment I thought you might have meant Thomas, the trans man who got pregnant a year or two ago... I don't know how old he is through. - No problem.
  8. George^^
    July 29th 2012 11:45 PM - permalink
    ^^ Who'd it happen to? - just curious. And, Chandra's a cool name
  9. CanadaCraig
    July 28th 2012 12:16 PM - permalink
    thanks for accepting my friendship request!!!!!!!

  10. CanadaCraig
    July 28th 2012 12:04 PM - permalink
    T H A N K S
    C H A N D R A
    G B H
    C R A I G

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