Hello there and welcome to teenhelp! My Names Chandler and i'm a
Help Link Mentor here on teenhelp. In case you haven't been to any of these areas yet I Just wanted to introduce you to some of the main site areas. The Arrival and Departure fourm which is located here
http://www.teenhelp.org/welcome is the first stop you should make on your journey through teen help. The next area that I want to explain to you about is the How to receive support and advice fourm which is located here
http://www.teenhelp.org/advice. The Last two areas of the site that I want to tell you about are the Chat Room and the how to use the support fourms thread. The Chatroom which is located here
http://www.teenhelp.org/chat is where you can go to meet some of the other members of
TH. The how to use the support fourms thread which is located here
http://www.teenhelp.org/howto will teach you about using the support fourms.
I hope you enjoy your time on Teen help and don't be afraid to ask eather myself or a
Buddy If you have any other questions. Have a great day