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Welcome me, I'm new!

Renna Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. tk338
    October 28th 2009 12:56 AM - permalink
    Haha yeahh Hmm... Well you say that, but a week turns into a month, a month... months, it seems like yesterday I started with my GF.. and its near on 7 months now :|... Haha but for something your looking toward flings sound a better idea

    Hmm... It'd be on my camera almost constantly if I had it haha, at the 300 end, what sort of shutter speeds can you use? Aaah I love wide angles... More and more so recently! Been considering a fisheye... LOL dreams were created for the people who wanted the 5D aye? xD
  2. tk338
    October 26th 2009 09:30 PM - permalink
    Hm yeah, the best situation is is the girl/boy joins you on your career traveling then you have both! Thats a good idea though! I just want to get on with it and start enjoying company see? I'm too clingy in that aspect

    Ooh, you have a lens like that and don't use it much!? Aha, yeahh the 50mm lens is awesome, and so cheap tooo But your right, a high price tag for a good camera is worth it, I'm forever eying up the 5Dmkii, knowing ill never be able to afford it, but we can all dream, aye?

    haha thanks just... go with the flow
  3. tk338
    October 26th 2009 02:19 AM - permalink
    Aah right Well see I don't think its going to happen anytime soon, but she might just spring herself on me... And then it'd be a choice between her or career... And I don't want to make that if I love them both .. Well dream could easily be reality! Go for it!

    Haha yess!! Ooh schweeet! I use a much the same 1000D, just a few less features .. Ooh but you're sure kitted out aren't ya? Haha only other one I've got is the canons 50mm lens f/1.8... Get some lovely bokeh!! Ooh Thats the problem with Canon! All their flashes are so highly priced!! Especially if you want a swivel head one :| Its like... Rediculous money! As long as you can justify buying it though ... xD haha aah good Yeahh studio would be good... Have them all come to you! Awesome!

    They are fascinating, but expensive, and uni, don't know I'm cut out for it :/ I'll decide sometime .. Hehe thanks, whatever I do I end up where I want sooo its a win win situation!
  4. tk338
    October 25th 2009 05:20 PM - permalink
    Haha yeahh Hmm chasing would be alright if you had no family haha, unfortunately for my photography I DO plan to have one, and so is kind of out of the question :P It WOULD however be an amazing job to do! Adrenaline rush too!!
    Hmm just a bit To be honest it was a fair few years ago digital was just becoming widely avaliable and so everything was a bit more expensive... Definately reduce the costs if you can though Get the perfect lens, a decent body and the rest is down to you! What camera are you using out of interest?
    Lol yup definitely is unless your in the paparazzi mob, then you could get crushed, but I presume your talking more like studio fashion?

    Erm naw apparently they like you to have a degree, but a 3 year degree, it makes it all seem so far away, when I may just be able to jump after 2 years of being a special . Agreed a degree would be useful then... Thing is I've been looking at very very specific degrees, like 'crime and policing' haha, or slightly more general like criminology or psychology if I were to do one, I'm thinking see how the job goes, I enjoy it no point leaving
  5. tk338
    October 25th 2009 02:00 AM - permalink
    Haha... Ooh a photojournalist would be awesome, but I'd be terrible at all that chasing around all those people lol! But I'm sure there are many people who become war photographers like that For a career its too hectic for me ... Ooh really? I remember reading about a bloke who ran around there with about £27000 worth of kit in has bag lol, metal really :| Fashions definitely the safer option though I think lol... Haha maybe there is

    Well theres a few ways, either just join direct, but thats a no go really, so I'm stuck on a choice with either going to uni and then joining... or just signing up with the specials (voluntary police) and then doing a few years in that and then applying, the specials meaning I'm debt free, and probably quicker, but no degree I dont knowwww
  6. noise94
    October 24th 2009 09:16 PM - permalink
    This is probably random and creepy but...

    pretty profile pic!

  7. tk338
    October 24th 2009 09:15 PM - permalink
    Haha you're most welcome xD Yeahh we got the best side of the lens, and plus oneday they'll be paying us to be that side
    Yeahh its.. Varied and just full of awesome really ... Oooh I considered that too Or combine the two, an army photographer, but there aren't many of them . Thats just about right! Get a career you love and you'll never have to do a days work in your life ... (not my words by thee way )
  8. tk338
    October 22nd 2009 06:54 PM - permalink
    Ooh haha well there seemed to b arather nice collection sitting there They're seriously awesome! You gawt talent! Ooh lucky you I must be the only person with all camera shy friends lol point a camera in their direction and the will run and hide, but then I'm the same
    Ooh cool! Fashion does sound cool! you do fashion-y type shots as well Haha well lets hope it goes to plan then
    Me? I did... But it came to art college and I just didn't want it enough, I really enjoy it, its a weak passion, but not strong enough to be a future career. So consequently I rejected the place I had and now have a job and am going to try and work my way into the police
  9. tk338
    October 21st 2009 11:29 PM - permalink
    Heyy Haha Indeed I am, havent done any for a lil while, well as ina few weeks, hoping to soon though
    Aaah well why thank you very much! So I figured one good turn deserves another and decided to check your deviantart Awesome people shots!! I'd love to have willing models to photograph... Aaah well, beggers cant be choosers Thanks fellow photographer... You planning to go onto be one?
  10. Strider
    October 12th 2009 12:55 AM - permalink
    Hey Renna!
    I just wanted to say welcome to staff! I think it's awesome that you decided to join the HelpLINK team
    If you ever have any questions or just want to chat, let me know

About Me

  • Basics
    A little bit all over
  • About
    About me
    Hey there.
    I'm Silje, but as that might be hard to pronounce for any non-Norwegian, please feel free to call me either Renna or Silly, whichever you prefer.

    I'm a life-lover most of the time and I love trying new things and meeting new people. I've been the new kid a lot of times as I grew up with a parent in the air-force, so I trust my skills in getting to know people.

    I love hanging out with my friends, watching movies, listening to music, reading books and all those things, and I am absolutely in love with Photography (wich is what I'm planning to spend my future doing). You can find some of my photos over at http://tigerpusen05.deviantart.com

    Feel free to contact me about anything, even just for a chat - I don't bite!
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Single and looking
    High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    First and foremost being with friends, and also photography, reading, writing, creating art, watching movies, working out...
    I listen to most kinds of music, but mostly rock, punk, alternative and anything that falls withing those lines.
    Anything Tim Burton or Takashi Miike, LotR, Juno, Watchmen, X-men, Saw...
    South Park, The SImpsons, Futurama, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, The L Word...
    Neil Gaiman, J.R.R. Tolkien, Harry Potter, Haruki Murakami, E.A. Poe, Michael Ende, C.S. Lewis
    Alice in Wonderland - probably my favourite book of all time.
    My favourite genre is post-modernism.
  • Signature
    "All because of you
    I believe in angels.
    Not the kind with wings,
    no, not the kind with halos"


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  • Join Date: June 14th 2009
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