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Regular TeenHelper

RadioSerenade Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 110
  1. DeletedAccount30
    April 6th 2016 06:01 AM - permalink

    I hope you had fun! I just wanted to reach out and make friends for a change. I don't really celebrate birhdays (I actually hate all the attention and fuss.) but I hope you enjoyed yours! What did you do on your birthday?

    See you around!
    Love. - xx
  2. Rivière
    April 5th 2016 05:06 PM - permalink
    Happy 21st!
  3. DeletedAccount30
    April 5th 2016 03:45 PM - permalink

    Just wanted to drop by and wish you a happy birthday! Hope you have a great day!

    See you around!
    Love. - xx
  4. Celyn
    April 5th 2016 10:57 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday!
  5. better-than-ecstasy
    January 19th 2016 03:11 AM - permalink
    Thank you so much!
  6. Everglow.
    December 4th 2015 05:49 PM - permalink
    Why thank you!
  7. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 20th 2015 06:18 PM - permalink
    I totally forgot that I already responded.
  8. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 19th 2015 10:58 PM - permalink
    Hehe thank you!
  9. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    November 12th 2015 10:54 PM - permalink
    Hehr thank you!
  10. Storyteller.
    November 6th 2015 12:11 AM - permalink
    Haha, thank you.

About Me

  • Basics
    The Limelighter
  • About
    About me
    A very good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to my profile. I am a 21 year old student from Australia. I was originally a member here in 2011 but have changed accounts a couple of different times. Finally looking to settle on one. I am a big fan of good rock music and I mean anyone from the Foo Fighters to "Dead Sara". Indiscriminate.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Sort of.
    University - Undergraduate
    Increasingly liberal.
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    I love watching the NRL, V8 Supercars and basically any other sport in the entire world. Reading and blogging are my lovelies. That is reading, blogging and allowing myself to be completely consumed by both of those mediums of literature.
    How much time have you got?
    I have always been a believer that the point of a movie is to tell you a story rather than entertain you. The only exception to that is slapstick comedy, but I love anything with a good story. Precisely why Saving Private Ryan is my favourite movie of all living time.
    How much time have I got? Yeah, not enough to watch Television.
    FIFA! I know that is like a really boring and "nooby" answer but I love playing FIFA. And watching my brother play Call of Duty.
    Les Miserables and anything close to meeting it.
    NRL and basically everything else on this planet.
    -Lemony Snicket.
    -Charles Dickens.
    -Just check the authors above!
    Favorite quotes
    "The world is quiet here."

    I could not persuade her to sit by me or to do anything but move a ragged stool to where she was kneeling, and take that, and still hold my dress in the same manner. By degrees the poor tired girl fell asleep, and then I contrived to raise her head so that it should rest on my lap, and to cover us both with shawls. The fire went out, and all night long she slumbered thus before the ashy grate. At first I was painfully awake and vainly tried to lose myself, with my eyes closed, among the scenes of the day. At length, by slow degrees, they became indistinct and mingled. I began to lose the identity of the sleeper resting on me. Now it was Ada, now one of my old Reading friends from whom I could not believe I had so recently parted. Now it was the little mad woman worn out with curtsying and smiling, now some one in authority at Bleak House. Lastly, it was no one, and I was no one.
    Other interests
    Thinking about what other interests I am going to put in.
  • Signature
    02425950695064738395657479136519351798334535362521 43003540126026771622672160419810652263169355188780 38814483140652526168785095552646051071172000997092 91249544378887496062882911725063001303622934916080 25459461494578871427832350829242102091825896753560 43086993801689249889268099510169055919951195027887 17830837018340236474548882222161573228010132974509 27344594504343300901096928025352751833289884461508 94042482650181938515625357963996189939679054966380 03222348723967018485186439059104575627262464195387


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  • Last Activity: September 14th 2021 04:28 AM
  • Join Date: September 8th 2014
  • Referrals: 0


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