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Junior TeenHelper

PurpleMoon Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 46
  1. Le Papillon
    August 2nd 2012 10:51 PM - permalink
    Le Papillon
    thanks i loovessss it. Death the Kid is my fave<333333333333 if you didnt notice
  2. Jack Lowden
    July 9th 2012 06:38 AM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
  3. Chuuya
    June 26th 2012 02:03 AM - permalink

    Okay I hope this works, I've never posted pictures before Anyway Stay Strong!
  4. Jack Lowden
    May 29th 2012 08:21 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
  5. Amorphous.
    May 28th 2012 05:12 AM - permalink
    I come from Sydney and love it LOL. The cover is different but yeah, the song is waaaaaaaaaaaay too overplayed.
  6. Amorphous.
    May 23rd 2012 01:34 AM - permalink
    My day has barely even started yet haha. I just arrived at school. Full day blugh. Well, I had a free period first. You still studying?

    So far today, I encountered an amazing breakfast (Nutella on Toast), a brand new cover by Boyce Avenue (We are Young by Fun, it kind of sounds like a wierd mix of country and Pop) and a serious medical emergency (I had no idea what happened but on the way to the station, I saw a screen up and some woman's feet laying on the ground under that). Paramedics, security, everyone was there. Outside a medical imaging place, irony anyone LOL?

    Where abouts are you from, Billie?
  7. Amorphous.
    May 22nd 2012 05:03 AM - permalink
    P.S. I want to share something with you, this awesome song by an awesome band. My favorite band, Boyce Avenue. Have you ever heard of the guys. With regards to the video, the cameraman should get a pay rise LOL. Great imagery and awesoem music. Linked on the word "BOOM".

    BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Amorphous.
    May 22nd 2012 04:59 AM - permalink
    Hahaha, that's the kind of response I expected LOL. I am good, just studying away like any normal seventeen year old student at SMSHS in Western Sydney would. I loooooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeee my school. I am off now, I can go HOME! That awesome place I look forward to going to every single day. Today so far has been okay. Pretty cruisy, no dramas at all. I want to go home haha. I thought I might stay back and do some work and write to a few friends (guess who LOL?)

    My only regret: I thought this week was going to be more dramatic, more emotional than this. It's been kind of boring so far LOL.

    And how are you this fine afternoon?

    I am looking forward to Friday and it is only Tuesday LOL . Much <3, Hamed Khatiz.
  9. Amorphous.
    May 21st 2012 02:14 AM - permalink
    Hahaha, there has been a lot of hype around that film, everyone I have asked loved it. How did yuo enjoy it? LOL, fair enough choice of name haha. It means what I think it means aha .

    My name stems from the though that life is an emotional journey, full of love, despair, anger, euphoria etc. The "imagine" part stems from the though that imagination is what hurts you sometimes. I had witnessed my friend, she was extremely sick and I saw both times at the school when she was being treated. That was traumatic for a long time 'cause I found myself trying imagine the things I didn't see for some reason, visualising everything which really hurt.

    Imagination is something most people don't have nowadays LOL
  10. Amorphous.
    May 19th 2012 02:00 AM - permalink
    I'm actually doing really good, Saturday Morning, talking to friends, listening to music. And how are you this fine morning or evening or day or night or afternoon?

    I love the color schemes o your profile, black and clue, absolutely amazing. How and when did you come up with your name?


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