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TeenHelp Veteran

PSY Offline

Hugh Jackman ♥

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 951 to 960 of 2174
  1. HisPrincess
    July 19th 2012 12:01 AM - permalink
    Hey Robin! Have you heard anything about why it could be taking so long to get an answer on the Associate LHO Application? I sent it in on the 7th of this month and I can't seem to find a way to check and make sure the application was received. Can you help by any chance?
  2. HisPrincess
    July 17th 2012 01:41 AM - permalink
    Oh how awesome! I'm sure that was nice! Thanks for the pointers. Orientation went well. (: I'll have to tell you about it in a PM in a bit. Oh and do you know about how long it should be taking to get an answer on an application I sent in for Associate LHO? I sent it in about 9 days ago and haven't heard anything. I'm starting to wonder if they even got the application. :P
  3. HisPrincess
    July 16th 2012 07:58 AM - permalink
    Aw okay thank you!! I'll keep those tips in mind! Do you think it would be OK to bring a notebook to take notes? And I'll be getting my uniform tomorrow, do you think they'll want us to change into it for orientation? I don't think so but I'm unsure. It's a fast food job and the orientation is being held at the place of business which is going to be running at the time.

    Oh well very cool, I'm glad you're going to get to see him soon! In that case, it's more of a See ya later kinda thing then! :P
  4. HisPrincess
    July 16th 2012 07:37 AM - permalink
    Hey Robin! I just wanted to swing by, say hello and see how you were doing as well as see if you could wish me some luck! :P I have my first official in store orientation for my first job tomorrow and I'm kinda nervous. I know I'll be fine, I just have the jitters I guess.
  5. Beautiful Disaster
    July 15th 2012 11:35 PM - permalink
    Beautiful Disaster
    Thanks. Aw that's awesome! That's really cool so glad that's going well! <3
  6. Beautiful Disaster
    July 14th 2012 09:08 PM - permalink
    Beautiful Disaster
    I love you. Hug?
  7. EmisaurusRex
    July 13th 2012 02:11 AM - permalink
    Good evening! It was my pleasure to compliment you!
    Wow. It sounds like you put A LOT of thought into the path you chose, and based on those calculations, I definitely would have gone the master's route as well. Are you enjoying the program you're in?

    I'm so glad that you're happy with your boy. Moving in together sounds really exciting! Although, I'd probably be nervous as well. I bet it helps that you two were friends for so long.
    You're right, a doctorate may have been more prestigious...but! In additional to it delaying your plans...at the end of the day, I can't say that having a doctorate is going to make you better at the job either. I'm sure there would be things that you would be able to go a bit more in-depth on in doctorate level classes, but aside from that, I think you'd already have a pretty solid foundation.

    I've been doing okay. I just moved back to PA. I had moved back to my hometown in KY towards the end of May, hoping to get a job and save up enough money to move back up here after the summer. However, an incredibly opportunity opened up for me to come back here before then, so I jumped right on it. Basically, I was offered a Resident Volunteer position with a non-profit that I had worked with up here before (at one of their different locations in the city.) So I live in an apartment that is attached to a residence for women who are formerly homeless and deal with chronic mental illness. I get to stay at the apartment for free, and in exchange, my roommate and I split the nights of the week to be on call, as well as one weekend a month. Being on call really just means distributing night time medication, locking up the house at curfew, and being available in case of an emergency or something like that. This is my second night on call since I moved back on Tuesday, and I'm enjoying it a lot. I knew some of the women here before I moved in, but it's been nice getting to know the others better. Now, I just have to find a full time job to pay other bills! I'm going to start that endeavor next week.

    I'm hoping to come off leave soon. I'm trying to get my head on straight, as well as getting settled in here. I feel bad for being on leave for so long, but it's honestly been a necessity. I've been in a really rough place, and I still have a far ways to go, but I think I'm almost to a point where I can come back and be involved around here again.

    Thank you for updating me on your life! We should definitely talk more often. You're fantastic!
  8. Greenie
    July 12th 2012 10:29 AM - permalink
    Awh, thank you so much! I'm tickled :3 I have considered becoming a staff member, probably just not right now due to certain factors, but in the future some time I'd really like to. Thanks again!
  9. Amorphous.
    July 12th 2012 10:24 AM - permalink
    Hey, whassup, Robin, thanks for the PM, a couple of things:

    I loooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e your signature with the font you used to write "PSY". How do you do that font, it does look like an actual signature? Also, what does PSY stand for?

    Thanks again .
  10. Coffee.
    July 11th 2012 03:59 AM - permalink
    Thank you so much Robin! I'm excited to be working with you more, besides our fabulous Live Help parties. I hope I could pick up some amazing editing skills from you. I was telling Chess how happy I was with the suggestion you gave me with the Jealousy Article, which I will be editing and adding the suggestion tonight!

About Me

  • Basics
    Southern California
    United States
  • About
    About me
    (Last Updated: November 14, 2019)

    Hi there! I'm Robin, one of TeenHelp's Project Coordinators. You'll almost certainly see me around, whether it's on the front end (Forums, Chat Room, etc.) or back end (Staff areas).

    Being a Staff member is pretty cool, so if you're interested to learn more, send me a message!

    Here are ten fun facts so you can get to know me better.


    1. I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in California.

    ***PLEASE NOTE, I cannot assess, diagnose, or treat you via TeenHelp.*** When I'm here, I'm serving as a peer mentor (who happens to have a whole lot of education and experience to back up their statements). With that being said, I'm happy to help you find a mental health professional, should TeenHelp be inadequate for meeting your needs!


    2. I joined TeenHelp in June 2009 (over a decade ago!).

    I used to be an administrator for another website and was looking for mental health resources to share with our members. I happened to come across TeenHelp, and it was love at first sight. I settled into the "Relationships and Dating" forum and decided to apply for Staff as soon as I could!


    3. I've been a Staff member since July 2009 (again, over a decade ago!).

    When I think back on how many different roles I've held over the years, it's truly mind-boggling! Here's a timeline for those who are interested:

    HelpLINK Mentor - July 2009
    Forum Moderator - December 2009
    Article Editor (now known as Publications Editor) - June 2010
    Social Networking Officer - May 2011
    Volunteering Officer - October 2012
    Project Advisor (now known as Lead Moderator) - April 2014
    Operations Team Leader - March 2015
    Project Coordinator - November 2019

    I've also served on various committees and teams, some of which have been discontinued or integrated into Staff roles over the years:

    Social Networking Team - May 2010
    Operations and Procedures Committee - August 2010
    Disputes Committee - December 2011
    Performance/Volunteering Committee - March 2012
    Videos Team - January 2014


    4. Hugh Jackman is my celebrity crush. ♥

    Every time I change Staff roles, I change my Hugh Jackman avatar (so no, that is not a picture of me, LOL).


    5. I'm old (*GASP!*).

    Okay, 30 doesn't really feel old to me, but I realize it's old compared to the majority of TeenHelp members. The truth is that I found TeenHelp when I was 20 years old (just barely out of my teens), so I've always been on the older end of the membership spectrum. I'd like to think that I can use my life experiences to connect in meaningful ways, vs. being another stuffy adult who acts like they know it all (because I definitely don't!).


    6. I've been married for over five years.

    My husband is the love of my life - and believe me, it was a journey to find him! One of the reasons why I connected with the "Relationships and Dating" forum is because I've had my fair share of difficult relationships. Some were abusive (in more ways than one). Others were just downright challenging due to the long-distance aspect or religious/philosophical differences.

    Being a mental health professional doesn't make our relationship immune to miscommunications or arguments. I'm not perfect, and neither is my husband. At the end of the day, we make the conscious choice to love each other in big and small ways. We accept that we're flawed human beings, and we try to learn from our mistakes!


    7. I've been diagnosed with a mental health disorder.

    This is something I rarely talk about publicly, but I'm open to sharing details privately. You probably wouldn't know I have a mental health diagnosis if you met me face-to-face, but a person can be highly functional and still struggle on a daily basis. I go through phases where I become emotionally and physically drained, and that's incredibly frustrating. However, I don't give up on myself. I go to therapy nearly every week to address my triggers and unhelpful ways of thinking about myself, others, and the world as a whole. I'm a huge fan of self-awareness, self-care, and self-compassion.


    8. I'm white and nerdy (anyone get the reference?).

    Bookworm, Browncoat, Gamer, Otaku, Potterhead, Tolkienite, Trekkie... just to name a few. For me, it's never a competition to see who's the "nerdiest" - it's just about connecting with people who are excited about the same or similar things. So hit me up if you want to nerd out over something!


    9. I love to travel.

    I haven't always been able to travel (it's hard to find the time or money when you're in graduate school or working as an unpaid intern), but now that I'm in a different phase with my life and career, my husband and I try to plan a few trips each year. Some of my favorite destinations have been NYC, Chicago, Kauai, St. Croix, and Thailand!


    10. I'm obnoxiously optimistic and solution-focused.

    We may be hardwired for negativity, but that doesn't mean dwelling on problems helps us in the long run. So while I may acknowledge the issues that brought you to TeenHelp, I'm determined to focus on what we can improve upon. Change is possible. You may not be able to change your environment right away, but you can start to change your mindset right now (and now... and now!). It may take a great deal of effort (after all, you're learning new habits!), but my experience has been that the hard work is worth it.


    That's it for now! If you'd like to reach out for any reason, please don't hesitate to send me a message. =)
  • Details
    Here for
    Supporting TeenHelp's Members
    Relationship status
    Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology
    Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
    Christian (Non-Denominational)
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Reading, traveling, and gaming.
    Instrumental and techno.
    There are too many to name!
    Again, there are too many to name!
    When I have time, I play Heroes of the Storm and Destiny 2.
    Too. Many. To. Name!
    It's not really a sport, but I like scuba diving!
    I believe in the "everyday" hero.
    Favorite quotes
    “In my early professional years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for [their] own personal growth?”
    ― Carl Rogers (American psychologist)
    Other interests
    I think it's safe to say that I enjoy my staff duties on TeenHelp. =D
  • Signature


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