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Welcome me, I'm new!

PrincessAnastasia Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Palmolive
    April 7th 2013 12:19 PM - permalink
    Stay fighting
  2. WeepingPrincess
    April 1st 2013 11:43 PM - permalink
    I tried the butterfly project it didn't work for me im currently playing the abc game but maybe itll work for you
  3. DeletedAccount17
    March 27th 2013 01:09 AM - permalink
    Hey, Ani! Welcome to TeenHelp, I'm Christabel, lovely to meet you. I saw in your music section that you like Taylor Swift? So do I! She's awesome. I also read that you're depressed and you Self-Harm? I'm really sorry you do that, hun... I want you to know that I'm here if you need anything. Feel free to message me anytime and I'd really love to listen. You don't have to do this alone. I saw you've been posting around here, which is great. So I just wanted to tell you about HelpLINK and LiveHelp when it's online which are two features for advice. Both are pretty helpful.

    On a side-note, I'm a Buddy here and Buddies are here to answer any questions/concerns about TeenHelp and we're here to make sure you know your way around so if you need anything then feel free to contact me or another Buddy. All Buddies have lime green usernames so we aren't too hard to find. Oh and since you've been posting around, I thought it'd be great if you posted an introduction in Arrivals and Departures if you want, so everyone can properly welcome you and have the honor of getting to know you.

    There's also many cool features around here worth checking out. Such as the Albums, Social Groups, Blogs and the Chat-Room which is a fun place to hang out and chat, make friends etc.

    And hey, as I said, don't be afraid to VM/PM me anytime if you need anything, okay? Remember that things get better. Stay Strong <3

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    Hiya! My name's Ani. I'm a writer/poet. That's pretty much all I'm good at. I'm bisexual, depressed, and self harm. Doctor Who and Sherlock addict and proud Psych-O. That's about it. I'm not an interesting person, really.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Junior High School
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Writing, sewing
    Plumb, Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons, Zedd
    Passage to Zarahemla, Harry Potter, Rise of the Guardians
    Doctor Who, Sherlock, Psych, Once Upon A Time, Pretty Little Liars
    Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, Hearts of Stone, Anything By John Green
    Taylor Swift and John Green
  • Signature
    Last cut - 5/9/13
    Last suicidal - 5/14/13

    Moving to my angel in 14 days.


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  • PrincessAnastasia's posts have been liked or marked as helpful 2 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: May 15th 2013 06:52 PM
  • Join Date: March 26th 2013
  • Referrals: 0


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  • Points: 6,822
  • Level: 12
  • Points: 6,822, Level: 12 Points: 6,822, Level: 12 Points: 6,822, Level: 12
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  • Level up: 15% - 1,028 Points needed Level up: 15% Level up: 15% - 1,028 Points needed
Points for user
  • Points for User: 6,668
  • Per day: 6,451
  • Friends: 6
  • Visitormessages: 2
  • Filled profile: 210
Points for threads
  • Points for threads: 112
  • Threads: 30
  • Tags: 5
  • Replies: 8
  • Views: 69
Points for posts
  • Points for Posts: 42
  • Posts: 22
  • Helpful Answers: 20

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