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PoS Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. ~Divergent~
    February 2nd 2013 08:43 PM - permalink
    Sorry about the delay. Site's been down.
    Online counseling is better than no counseling, right? How is it going so far?
  2. ~Divergent~
    January 31st 2013 06:26 AM - permalink
    I'm logging off now to go to bed, but I'll be back here again tomorrow (if I'm not, it's because the site's not working). So if you send me a message, I'll get it then.
  3. ~Divergent~
    January 31st 2013 06:23 AM - permalink
    I'm sorry things are tough for you right now. I don't know what's going on, so I can't say for sure, but I doubt that the things that happened were entirely your fault. Even if they were, I'm sure you weren't intending to cause any problems, so please don't feel guilty!
    Everything will get better eventually, okay? I know it's hard right now, but trust me, this will blow over. Just give it time and try to stay strong, all right? You can get through all this. Just hang in there and it will all be worth it in the end.
    Are you still in counseling, by the way?
  4. ~Divergent~
    January 8th 2013 04:37 AM - permalink
    Sorry, the site's been down allllll day for me. I absolutely hate it when that happens.
    That's great! I wish I could do that...I probably should. I really hope counseling goes well for you.
    And I'm always here if you need someone to talk to or anything.
  5. ~Divergent~
    January 5th 2013 07:50 PM - permalink
    Yeah. It makes things difficult.
    Cuz you know, you'd really like to tell them, and you know that you should, but you can't. :/
  6. ~Divergent~
    January 5th 2013 01:11 AM - permalink
    That's great! Really.
    I've started opening up to someone a little bit about some stuff...it's going pretty well, I think? But the problem is that I can't really tell them all of it.
  7. ~Divergent~
    January 5th 2013 12:10 AM - permalink
    Hello then.
    How's everything today?
  8. PoS
    January 4th 2013 07:18 AM - permalink
    kind of want to talk to someone
  9. ~Divergent~
    January 4th 2013 05:31 AM - permalink
    I know! I feel the same way. I love it here. Everyone is so helpful.
    What's your name, btw? I'm Hailey.
  10. ~Divergent~
    January 3rd 2013 07:41 PM - permalink
    Aw, I'm sorry. That must be really tough. Maybe when you're having trouble sleeping, you could try reading a book or something instead? Sometimes reading makes me tired and helps me fall asleep faster.
    Also, have you ever told anyone about your flashbacks? Or are you seeing a counselor? Maybe you get this a lot, but a counselor might be able to help you sort this out and then you won't have the flashbacks, or at least not as many.


About Me

  • Basics
    B.C. Canada
  • About
    About me
    six years i masked
    one night i crashed
    i luv u - go f urself - go kill ur self
    how did that transition happen
    ones again each breath was trappin'
    six years i was aware 6 i was not health
    affected flashbacks started
    ones again diss in hearted
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    i know i'm bi, but i've messed up too
  • Interests
    mainly rap, but rlly a lil bit of everything.
    Favorite quotes
    "To be or not to be?..."


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  • Last Activity: January 31st 2013 08:58 AM
  • Join Date: December 29th 2012
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