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* plk524 Offlinestuck...what to do? |
About Me
- Basics
- Name
- Prudence Lynn <3
- Gender
- Female
- About
- About me
- My name is Prudence, but I go by Prue. I have many different things I could state, so I am going to stick with the obvious. I am a lette, been in a relationship for a little over a year, and 17. I speak four different langauges [english, spanish, french and pig latin], and I have low confidence. Too many things pop up on my computer, and I am very afraid of big words. I like to write poetry and short stories, and I ish about to be a Senior in High School. Writing is my passion, cooking is for fun. Any questions or comments? Send me a message or comment. Love you all. [maybe]
lette pride!
(p.s. I am an ex-cutter at the moment, and I'm still dealing with the urges, so if you have anyway to stop them, that would be helpful....)
- Details
- Here for
- Like to help and be helped
- Relationship status
- I was proposed to. o.0
- Sexuality
- im me.
- Ethnicity
- Caucasian/White
- Education
- KWHS baby!
- Occupation
- bus/bitch boy and an assistant in a doctors office
- Politics
- what do politics have to do with anything?
- Religion
- um...i am wiccan, but i believe in shtuff.
- Zodiac sign
- Gemini
- Interests
- Hobbies
- reading, writing, listening to music, singing with my friend Boy Alex.
- Music
- All kinds.
Mostly ICP, Slipknot, Eminem, and Hollywood Undead. - Movies
- anything scary or gory. [gory=saw. my favorite saw for now, saw 6.]
- Television
- house, law and order svu.
- Games
- um....rummy.
- Books
- fantasy, true crimes. a little anime.
- Sports
- football!
- Other interests
- my best friend and I, everytime she comes over, we eat string cheese, smoke ciggs, and play rummy our way. (:
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Posted in Uncategorized
So, I went back towhat I do best...The things that I stopped for a bit, but I can't handle this anymore...It scares me because I feel like I'm doing so many things wrong. I'm depressed, and I don't want to sleep. But I have to sleep so I can get through work. My best friend lives with me, and she told me that I need professional help, so she is pretty much saying that I'm fucked up in the head. And sorry if my mood changes all of a sudden...I didn't sleep much last night. I really don't know what...
Posted in Uncategorized
I hate it when people go through and break their promises to you, and they do it while knowing that it's hurting you. Why do people act like that?! Am I really so bad to be around that you need to go and smoke pot so you can deal with me? And if so, then why don't you just break my heart for the 3rd time and get it over with so you can move on in your life. Or do I need to break my own heart and push you away? I'd hate to have to do that, but if it needs to be done, then I'll do it. I hate that...
Posted in Uncategorized
Lost my kid about a week ago. Stupid miscarriages. That was probably my last chance to get back with that guy. Ugh. I'm stupid. I've been cutting myself again, and I know I shouldn't, but I do anyway. Am I stupid or something? But at least me and my best friend are talking again, and we are looking passed shit. I'm just glad that she and I are talking again. Anyway, sitting here tipsy as hell, tired as fuck, and idk what i'm doing. xD wow, I'm so freakin retarded sometimes, i swear!!! blah. fuck...
Posted in Uncategorized
Okay, so I guess things are getting better. I wouldn't really be able to tell you too well. It's way to difficult to explain what's been going on these past few days. I'm not even sure. Hell, last night I decided to take 3 different types of meds just so I could sleep. How terrible is that? I just got so sick of not being able to sleep. So I took meds. Not to mention that I'm coming down with a cold, and I have multiple reasons to believe I'm having baby. Yes, at the age of 16. I am no better...
Posted in Uncategorized
Fuck. I can't get him off my mind. I miss him so much. Why must my emotions not be as numb now that I've seen him? I wanted him to just hold me. I want him to kiss me and just be able to lay in his bed with him again. I miss it all. What the hell is my problem? I don't want him back, but I miss everything that I had with him. I want him to text me back, to start flirting with me again. Why can I not get over him now? I don't get it. I don't understand myself at the moment. Lexi and Brittany are...
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I am now. It was a stupid...
I agree with you.

Im sorry to heat you...