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I've been here a while

Pirouette Offline

Just a girl strolling by

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 601 to 610 of 3073
  1. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    May 5th 2014 11:38 AM - permalink
    The boobs thing? I don't think so, thankfully.
  2. hocus pocus
    May 4th 2014 02:43 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    That sounds cool! I've been thinking about these positions so much that TH keeps finding it's way into my dreams.
  3. coolkid98
    May 4th 2014 11:23 AM - permalink
    Good to hear and your welcome. I went swimming with my friend yesterday and I might go shopping tommorow, what about you?
  4. Chai.
    May 4th 2014 01:06 AM - permalink
    Heyy there. Its alright. I am fine, thank you
    Though I have a really bad cold that just doesn't seem to be getting better.!
    How are you.?
  5. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    May 3rd 2014 01:16 PM - permalink
    Yes, yes I did. You don't know how many people read "Boobs" instead of "Books."

    No problem!
  6. coolkid98
    May 3rd 2014 12:33 PM - permalink
    Your welcome Good to hear, how did the tests go? I'm good thanks, how are you?
  7. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    May 2nd 2014 03:16 AM - permalink
    I think I'll wear it tomorrow.
  8. hocus pocus
    May 1st 2014 04:42 AM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    I'm always here for you, too! <3
    You should totally apply. And why yes I am! I applied for one of the open ones and I have a my eye on a few that aren't open just yet.
  9. coolkid98
    April 30th 2014 05:14 PM - permalink
    Oh, good luck for them all. Just do your best. My day was good thanks, are you feeling any less stressed today?
  10. Chai.
    April 29th 2014 12:07 PM - permalink
    haha! Its alright! I tend to reply late sometimes, myself :P
    The winters here are kind off mild. No snow! so I don't get to wear boots unless I decide to be stupid and where them anyways

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    University - Undergraduate
    Zodiac sign
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    "Imperfection is beauty;
    madness is genius;
    and its better to be absolutely ridiculous
    than absolutely boring."

    -Marilyn Monroe


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