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I've been here a while

Pirouette Offline

Just a girl strolling by

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Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 3073
  1. hocus pocus
    August 6th 2014 04:48 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    I like it! Ooh, that's cool! I like to use glitter nail polish as a top coat sometimes. I did silver glitter for a top coat over a black coat of nail polish and it looked cool. I'm really OCD with my nails; I paint them once a week. Lol. Thanks! Just a few more weeks until I can unveil it. That's great, I'll keep an eye out to see if you got it! That's insane. My brothers go back the 2nd I think. Any plans for the last few weeks?
  2. Azure.
    August 5th 2014 06:28 PM - permalink
    Haha, thanks! I really want to change up my profile again. Yours is so pretty! I love the glitter background.
  3. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    August 5th 2014 03:48 AM - permalink
    They still haven't gotten my final transcripts from high school! My mom said she might call my high school on that tomorrow, but if not I will on Wednesday.

    But if everything stays how it is NOW, the money thing won't be an issue, just the math class. I will be talking to the advisor about a placement test tomorrow though.
  4. coolkid98
    August 4th 2014 12:18 PM - permalink
    Good to hear, my day has been good thanks My week was okay thanks, I didn't do much What about yours?
  5. Chai.
    August 4th 2014 10:48 AM - permalink
    Wow, I love your new username and profile!

    I just saw it
  6. hocus pocus
    August 2nd 2014 05:18 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    You're welcome!
    Your profile is so glittery. That's awesome! I have a list of words/things that are meaningful to me on my desk and I'm pretty sure I've planned my next UN out! I don't think I can change it until September though. Ooh, you did? Which one if you wanna say? I hope you get it!! You're an awesome Staffie. And I know, me too! Time is just flying by, isn't it?
  7. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    August 2nd 2014 06:57 AM - permalink
    I'm starting to get everything sorted more and more, I think now I just have to complete all of the documentation and then I will be good. I hope I don't miss any! And I'm praying I am able to take a math placement test because they put me in a remedial, no-credit math. :/
  8. coolkid98
    August 1st 2014 04:44 PM - permalink
    Good to hear Oh nice, I hope you get it. I'm good thanks, how was your day?
  9. Chuuya
    July 31st 2014 06:36 PM - permalink
    Thank you!
  10. hocus pocus
    July 31st 2014 05:39 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Thank you, I'm here for you too!
    Nice new UN! Do you plan yours out?
    I've been alright, thanks! I'm going crazy to keep busy and everything. We had a cold front kind of thing so that was nice. How about yourself?

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    University - Undergraduate
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    "Imperfection is beauty;
    madness is genius;
    and its better to be absolutely ridiculous
    than absolutely boring."

    -Marilyn Monroe


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