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I've been here a while

Pirouette Offline

Just a girl strolling by

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Showing Visitor Messages 2501 to 2510 of 3073
  1. Catharsis.
    July 14th 2013 06:34 PM - permalink
    Not really morning anymore, lol, it's around 7:30pm. Ooh, what are you watching on Netflix? I went to the beach today.
  2. Catharsis.
    July 14th 2013 02:11 PM - permalink
    Not really, lol. Well, I've woken up a bit now. Haha, awesome. Doing anything today?
  3. HisPrincess
    July 14th 2013 07:46 AM - permalink
    I sure hope I dont. Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope things get easier as well. Due to the nature of the internship I'll be going into.. I'm having to change a relationship from being more than friends(close like boyfriend girlfriend close or deeper) back down to friendship. To help me with this, he has kinda created boundaries of no "I love yous" and things. But it is in no way easy. Because I do still love him. I just can't express that I do anymore.

    Haha not really. Get things ready for August. That's pretty much it haha. You?
  4. Catharsis.
    July 14th 2013 07:31 AM - permalink
    Only just woke up, I'm still in bed. How about you?
  5. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    July 14th 2013 03:36 AM - permalink
    Yeah, it's just that it's farther than we normally drive. But I'm not sure actually.

    My niece likes the pool!
  6. Catharsis.
    July 14th 2013 12:49 AM - permalink
    Haha, true! I'll be sure not to mention it.
  7. Catharsis.
    July 13th 2013 11:52 PM - permalink
    I hope they aren't either. I honestly wouldn't put it beyond them. It sounds just like something they would do, lol. Haha, yay! *returns high five*
  8. Catharsis.
    July 13th 2013 11:29 PM - permalink
    Wow, now I'm paranoid my parents will do that to me. Thanks. Lol, and me! We won't be lonely if we eat soup together.
  9. Catharsis.
    July 13th 2013 11:03 PM - permalink
    Grr, it's so annoying, isn't it? ._. You could lie to your parents and say you tried to call her, but she didn't answer. That's a white lie. No worries! It's pretty nice, and not too hot! There's a decent breeze. Lol, fun. Soup is nice.
  10. Catharsis.
    July 13th 2013 10:29 PM - permalink
    Ah, I know how you feel. Like, I hate pretty much all of my "friends" from school, and my parents always ask me to call them. Could you tell them that she's treating you like that? Aha, don't worry, I'm happy to listen! I'm in Spain now. I'm not sure what we're doing over the weekend. How about you?

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    "Imperfection is beauty;
    madness is genius;
    and its better to be absolutely ridiculous
    than absolutely boring."

    -Marilyn Monroe


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