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I've been here a while

Pirouette Offline

Just a girl strolling by

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 3073
  1. Chai.
    June 17th 2015 12:08 PM - permalink
    Look look, quick replies.

    Well thunderstorms suck but weather reports suck more. The weather report said thunderstorms, so my friends and I changed our plans of going out and it was sunny the whole day. It's just so annoying. Oh, things don't work that way here and I don't even have semesters for my grad course. It's just exams at the end of the year, so I I'll live.

    Well my vacations last until next month technically, but I need to start studying for another course and I am hoping to start from Monday. I can't really idle away time for more than a coupe of weeks, I kind get bored and miss studying. I am glad you are doing okay.
  2. Palmolive
    June 17th 2015 12:17 AM - permalink
    You're welcome and thank you
  3. coolkid98
    June 16th 2015 09:17 PM - permalink
    Yeah, luckily I printed it off though so at least I've got a copy of it.
    I'm good thank you, yourself?
  4. ThisWillDestroyYou
    June 16th 2015 07:42 PM - permalink
    Yep, yep. Thanks for asking!
  5. ThisWillDestroyYou
    June 16th 2015 05:54 PM - permalink
    Thank you much, appreciate ya
  6. hocus pocus
    June 16th 2015 08:17 AM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    Thank you! <3 How have you been?
  7. Chai.
    June 12th 2015 12:41 PM - permalink
    Haha, vacations leave us with more time to reply.

    Well, I was at a hill station place with my cousins. Had plans to go to the beach but had to postpone it because of thunderstorms. Why are you taking classes in the summer? Is i t for extra credit or something?

    I am doing fine. Just been spending the days, sleeping and doinng nothing, unless you count arguing with cousins and stuff. How are you? And what have you been upto?
  8. coolkid98
    June 11th 2015 04:28 PM - permalink
    Yeah I luckily backed up the majority of it but I've lost about a months work
    Sounds good
  9. coolkid98
    June 8th 2015 03:59 PM - permalink
    Good to hear
    I'm stressed as one of my class mates deleted the folder that had all my coursework in and I have lost my work, I printed it all out but I'm stuffed if anything gets lost
    I'm going away with my family, what about you?
  10. Chai.
    June 8th 2015 10:59 AM - permalink
    Haha, it's okay. You don't need to apologize every time.

    Exams were okay. Now I have a few days of vacations. What classes are you taking in the summer?

    Thank you so much.

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    "Imperfection is beauty;
    madness is genius;
    and its better to be absolutely ridiculous
    than absolutely boring."

    -Marilyn Monroe


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