*I feel a rambling coming on - you have been warned*

That completely and utterly sucks! I'll miss you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so... much! I can't believe that we're not going to talk for almost a month! (see below) I'll miss you LOADS!!!!!
And what's worse is I go away on the 12th!!!!!!!!!!! And I won't be back on here properly until 23rd!!!!!
Yeah I'm going on holiday to Southport on 12th and we get back on the 20th but like a couple of hours after we get back I'm going to the football...
It's a late kickoff which is few becuase it gives me a lil rest, before it got moved I would be getting bus straight after getting home
But then the day after that it's my birthday

And I'm haaving a couple of people round and I've got to make my cake and sort out and stuff so although I might go on for a couple of mins it won't be anything much
And then those people are sleeping over and might not go for ageeeeeees meaning I won't get a chance to come on! Which leaves us with the 23rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it's going to be that long! It completely sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you Amanda
I'll miss you! Xxx