Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, that means it is right in the middle of the night when I am writing this. I'll let you sleep haha. This message was only yesterday, I'm thinking OMG, I haven't spoken to Jenn in ages LOL.
Hahaha I remember my Deputy Principal wrote this booklet for us about study technique and apparently you remember 95% of information if you teach someone else. I would love to teach you via
PM sometime

Anyways, he used the example of the labrador and how he used to teach HIM. Everyone would be all like "OMG, what an awesome owner, talking to his dog" but the profound conversation is really "and so the variety of historical interpretations of Hatshepsut and her relationship with Senenmut would make it very...."

The weather is abso-flipping-lutely-flipping-a-flipping-MAZING!

It has been pretty awesome
