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Welcome me, I'm new!

owlcity:) Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 269
  1. Catharsis.
    June 20th 2013 06:46 AM - permalink
    I think two of them looked more masculine and had deeper voices.
    Yep! I live in south-west Ireland.
  2. Amorphous.
    June 20th 2013 02:07 AM - permalink
    Yeah, dude, potential employers, watch out . You know a bunch of skiers made a World Record for jumping hand in hand with each other, and they didn't get it because the World Record judge didn't see it , they did it in video .
  3. Amorphous.
    June 20th 2013 01:27 AM - permalink
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . TeenHelp sprung out of bed this morning LOL, it loaded in five seconds . I had hot cocoa this morning, so that probably helps . Hehe I'm good, making a new resume today . I'm armed now, with a new resume .
  4. Catharsis.
    June 19th 2013 10:41 PM - permalink
    I think Tinky Winky was a he.
    Did they? I remember seeing BBC America before. There isn't an Irish BBC channel, we're served by BBC Northern Ireland. I consider Northern Ireland part of the Republic anyway.
  5. Catharsis.
    June 19th 2013 10:12 PM - permalink
    Hehe, Tinky Winky has the funniest name.
    Gahhh, that sucks. I'm lucky I have BBC NI.
    I knowww. EX-TER-MIN-ATEEE!!!!!
  6. Catharsis.
    June 19th 2013 10:02 PM - permalink
    I know!
    Nah, I don't think it's on TV for another couple of months.
    That was creepy!!
  7. Catharsis.
    June 19th 2013 09:53 PM - permalink
    Ahh, Dipsy it was then. Fair enough.
    Hehe, there have been plenty of those over the years.
  8. Jordioa18
    June 19th 2013 09:27 PM - permalink
    Hey Jen, how is it going?
  9. Catharsis.
    June 19th 2013 09:22 PM - permalink

    Which was the green one? Green is my favourite colour so they were my favourite.
    I like Sherlock! They're filming a new series at the moment, I think.
    Woah, that's scary.
  10. Catharsis.
    June 19th 2013 06:13 PM - permalink

    i know, I can't believe I used to watch it!


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