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Welcome me, I'm new!

owlcity:) Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 269
  1. Catharsis.
    June 21st 2013 08:43 AM - permalink
    That sounds interesting. Where do I sign up?
    It's pretty cool. Swimming on the beach can be annoying, you get covered in sand and stuff.
  2. Amorphous.
    June 21st 2013 04:43 AM - permalink
    Sledding is pretty cool, like with the float rings, you just slide all the way down this massive mountain . I am more of a Summer person . Do you always go to same place for the winter? .

    For the summer, we always go South to North Woolongong Beach, I know it off by heart now, we've been like five times . Never gets less amazing . One time we went and it was rainy and cold and terrible but we still jumped in the water and I didn't die from the cold LOL I still had fun .
  3. Amorphous.
    June 21st 2013 12:37 AM - permalink
    Haha LOL, a Bondi Lifeguard was part of a team and they made the World Record for the fastest 100km on a treadmill . I would probably do one kilometre and then leave it to everyone else to do the rest .

    Nah, I have never skied.......... I would be to scared that the skied seperated and I would do the splits the whole time LOL. If I could choose, I would choose the snowboard instead .
  4. Catharsis.
    June 20th 2013 05:52 PM - permalink
    If you actually have tornadoes which send you to the Land of Oz, I do! You never said for sure!
    Hmm, I don't actually enjoy swimming on the beach that much (I do like the waves and that though ) so I usually just go for a walk around. We go to this small town by the seaside, and there's some pretty nice scenery around.
  5. Jordioa18
    June 20th 2013 05:34 PM - permalink
    A fighting sport, some better variation on Judo
  6. Catharsis.
    June 20th 2013 05:32 PM - permalink
    It seems that almost everyone wants to live there except people who currently live there. Kinda like Ireland in a way.
    Mm-hmm, we go to the beach the odd weekend. That's always a fun thing to do.
  7. Jordioa18
    June 20th 2013 05:21 PM - permalink
    About to watch wrestling and going to ju-jitsu in more than an hour
  8. Catharsis.
    June 20th 2013 05:21 PM - permalink
    I want to live in CA too! Hahaha. I'm about an hour away from the ocean.
  9. Jordioa18
    June 20th 2013 05:00 PM - permalink
    I'm good

    What's up?
  10. Catharsis.
    June 20th 2013 04:55 PM - permalink
    They kinda say a few words.
    I know a good bit about US geography, so I actually had a good idea where Kansas was. Long drive to the beach?


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