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Average Joe

OnceUponATimeAmy Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 475
  1. JollyRancher.
    October 27th 2012 03:14 PM - permalink
    I miss you too.
    I literally was on the computer trying to get on her and to talk to you. I got on for a bit but keep losing internet
  2. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 27th 2012 03:24 AM - permalink
    Ext time? Sorry, I'm really dense today.
    I enjoy talking to you too!
  3. JollyRancher.
    October 25th 2012 05:41 AM - permalink
    Buts I do. Cause I loves you and want to have a good conversation without thinking bad things
  4. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 24th 2012 11:45 PM - permalink
    I can't wait to catch up! But no Regina seems like it is a bad thing. What did they do without her? Waiiit no don't give it away.
  5. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 24th 2012 02:39 AM - permalink
    Did you watch it?
  6. JollyRancher.
    October 24th 2012 02:10 AM - permalink
    So, whats up, my awesome friend
  7. JollyRancher.
    October 22nd 2012 12:39 AM - permalink
    You know ypu wont get me off your shoulder that easily. But ill let it slide a bit just a bit
  8. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 22nd 2012 12:33 AM - permalink
    I dunno, my friends made me promise not to so we could all together.
  9. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    October 21st 2012 08:44 PM - permalink
    I can't wait to watch another episode.
  10. JollyRancher.
    October 21st 2012 05:40 PM - permalink
    No, dont say that. Im happy you are alive. But what is the matter? What happned while I dissappeared

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    im not that intresting :/
    i joined this site becaue i dont have many friend because im quiet and boring,
    I keep all my feelings bottled up untill i cant anymore.. i've been through quite about.. and im still struggling with my life.. i have great days and i have real bad days..
    I'm sorry its all doom and gloom but im trying to fight it :)
    hope you give me the time to do so with you<3
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Listening to music
    Watching telly
    Being Healthly
    I like different music i LOVE songs that relate to my life!
    OUAT <3
    Favorite quotes
    1.. Lifes A Climb..
    2.. It Cant Rain Forever..
    3.. I'm losing myself tryin? to compete
    With everyone else instead of just being me
    Don't know where to turn
    I've been stuck in this routine
    I need to change my ways
    Instead of always being weak

    I don't wanna be afraid
    I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today
    And know that I'm okay
  • Signature
    Now all that's left of me
    Is what I pretend to be
    So together, but so broken up inside
    'Cause I can't breathe
    No, I can't sleep
    I'm barely hangin' on

    "No One Can Save Me, The Damage Is Done"


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  • Last Activity: March 12th 2015 11:15 AM
  • Join Date: February 29th 2012
  • Referrals: 2


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