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Junior TeenHelper

NightmareVisions Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 96
  1. L'espoir
    May 26th 2009 01:00 PM - permalink
    Your very welcome Im glad your still around, I was worried about you... are you feeling any better today? I know that most of the time when Im feeling that bad that I tend to feel a bit better in the morning. Are you doing much today? If you want to talk Im always here (literally ) <3
  2. Katrina
    May 25th 2009 10:19 PM - permalink
    No worries at all. [: I hope you're feeling better - let me know if there's anything I can do!
  3. xoxtammixox
    May 25th 2009 10:05 PM - permalink
    Hahaha. I'm sorry you're tired. I know how you feel; suicide almost always lingers in the back of my mind. Just don't be afraid to laugh, even at stupid things... I've found that it makes things better.(:
  4. xoxtammixox
    May 25th 2009 09:44 PM - permalink
    I am good, thank-you for asking.(: I'm glad that I could help you. How are you?
  5. xoxtammixox
    May 25th 2009 09:01 PM - permalink
    Your welcome... You know, sometimes you just have got to realise that some people just aren't worth caring about. He shouldn't have done that. I'm glad you aren't going to do that tonight. Even if you do that tommorow, at least you have enjoyed another day of life, or at least learned something from a sad day of life.(: If you ever feel like that again, feel free to message me. I'm here to talk to.
  6. Gingerbread Latte
    May 25th 2009 07:26 PM - permalink
    Gingerbread Latte
    Wow, I love your avatar =P
  7. L'espoir
    May 25th 2009 07:08 PM - permalink
    Hey, I hope your doing OK Sending some loveee your way! <3
  8. JamesH
    May 25th 2009 06:19 PM - permalink
    What would that be for?
  9. CanadaCraig
    May 22nd 2009 10:14 PM - permalink
    Hi LJ!!

    I hope you're having a groovy day!!

    The reason you [And I] find it hard to understand how anyone can be so shallow is because we AREN'T!! People like us are far more reflective and we tend to think things through and we TRY to see things beyond what our eyes can see!! In other words - we try to look beyond the obvious. Shallow people just don't do that. Sometimes I envy that. Life would have to be easier - I would think - if I didn't have to use my brain as often!! lol But then again - in spite of everything I've gone through - I wouldn't change my past [As odd as that may sound] IF it meant I would become a heartless, unthinking, shallow person. The world is often a very tough place to be IF you're someone who responds to it emotionally. But on the other hand - it's because we ARE so emotional [And feel things so deeply] that we have the opportunity to truly experience and appreciate 'things' like beauty, true friendship, compassion and love.

    Just so you know - you can talk to me about ANYTHING!!!!

  10. FastForward2012
    May 19th 2009 10:40 PM - permalink
    Ohhh. I'm sorry for asking then. I understand.

    Thank you
    Don't say that. It is important. YOU are important.
    Whats going on?
    You can PM me if you'd feel more comfortable.

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