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Junior TeenHelper

NightmareVisions Offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 96 of 96
  1. FastForward2012
    May 18th 2009 09:35 PM - permalink
    Hello LJ
    Is your name LJ or does it stand for something?

    Not fair. *sticks out tongue* haha.

    I'm doing good.
    I hope you're okay as well.
    I know that you've been going through some tough times lately.
    I'm here for you.always.
  2. CanadaCraig
    May 17th 2009 07:38 PM - permalink
    Hi LJ!!

    I hope you're having a dandy day.

    I agree!! It would be very nice indeed to be able to change the past - or at least some of the past. But then maybe everything we have gone through is 'there' for a reason. Maybe all of our past experiences - as difficult as some of those experiences have been - are part of something much bigger. My past - for instance - has made it possible for me to be able to help people - to understand how they are feeling and to truly feel compassion for those who are struggling with life. I grew up surrounded by VERY self-centered people who truly didn't care about anyone except themselves. [And they probably didn't care all that much about themselves either] I remember as a very young boy praying that I would NOT end up like THEM!! And I haven't. But maybe I had to go through all of that 'muck' for that prayer to be answered. Maybe I had to suffer in order for me to shine!! [If that makes any sense] I wanted to be 'better than' those I grew up with - and I am. And I can say that because I DO care about other people and I DO try to be thoughtful and considerate. I have often had conversations with people who I envied because they had a rather easy life. They were never bullied or picked on. Their mom or dad weren't abusive. They were good at sports and popular at school. [And so on] But far more often than not - they were also very shallow. Oh sure - most of them were 'nice' to talk to - but there wasn't anything more to them that what you could see. And I think the reason for that is that until a person is 'tested' by something in life - they never really GROW. Until a person is FORCED to question things - like what's REALLY right and REALLY wrong - they never have any reason to become reflective and thoughtful. If you have a conversation with someone who seems really nice and caring - you can almost bet that they have suffered in some way - at sometime in their life. That said - I think it's important to appreciate where we ARE and focus more on where we want to BE than on where we have BEEN.

  3. FastForward2012
    May 17th 2009 04:28 PM - permalink
    I'm Gina,btw.
    Haha,thats cool.
    Except you're older then I am.
  4. CanadaCraig
    May 16th 2009 07:48 PM - permalink
    Hi LJ!!
    Thanks for accepting my friendship request.
    I really appreciate it!!
    I'm having 'one of those days!!' lol
    Every now and then I have 'flashbacks' of some of the silly and stupid things I've said and done in my life [Or didn't say and do] and I end up feeling really bad. So I have to keep telling myself to just FORGET IT!! lol I can't change the past. I can't change what I DID. One of those 'things' has to do with all the times I didn't stand up for myself - I just let other people treat me badly and I just stood there like an idiot - taking it. UGH!! That's just one of the many things I still have to work on.
    How are you doing?
  5. FastForward2012
    May 15th 2009 08:51 PM - permalink
    Are you there?
    Please talk to me.
    It doesn't have to be this way.
    It really doesn't.
  6. L'espoir
    May 2nd 2009 11:42 PM - permalink
    Hey NightmareVisions! Welcome to the site =) Im Jen, we talked in chat earlier so you already know me. I can see you have already posted so you have probably got the site sussed If you need anything PM me, I hope you are feeling better soon.. x

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