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Experienced TeenHelper

monkey01 Offline

trying to be strong

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 1348
  1. Azure.
    July 28th 2014 03:36 AM - permalink
    I'm alright, thanks! How are you doing?
  2. IH8U2
    July 25th 2014 10:05 PM - permalink
    That's cool.
  3. Em.
    July 25th 2014 07:39 PM - permalink
    hi im okay i guess thanks you?
  4. IH8U2
    July 25th 2014 05:41 AM - permalink
    Alberta, Canada
  5. IH8U2
    July 25th 2014 01:33 AM - permalink
    That's cool.
  6. Doodle.
    April 25th 2014 10:28 AM - permalink
    Eh, I don't know. I'm not from London
  7. Spirit.
    February 24th 2014 12:04 PM - permalink
    I'm so sorry it's been so long to get back to you. I've been having tests and such.
    How is everything at home now?
  8. 2hot4u
    February 23rd 2014 08:33 PM - permalink
    Yes they would. im sure your family would notice, siblings/relatives, friends, schoolmates, school teachers... A lot of people would notice. it may not seem like it at this moment, but if you were to do anything, a LOT of people would be negatively affected by it. I know this song is more geared to self harm, but I find listening to it helped me realize how much it would affect people. The Magicians Assistant- Scroobius Pip
  9. 2hot4u
    February 23rd 2014 03:54 AM - permalink
    What do you need then? I'm just trying to help you. I want you to know you are not, and never will be alone. That you CAN be ok. That it will get brighter. It will improve. Im trying to provide you with adequate resources that if suicide becomes an option, you can call and talk to someone who can help you to link with someone who can help. I think i can speak for a lot of people when I say if you give up, people will care, they will miss you!
  10. 2hot4u
    February 22nd 2014 07:25 PM - permalink
    yes you can! I believe in you Here is a list of suicide hotlines as well as help lines.
    United States
    National Suicide Hotlines


    The National "YOUTH" Crisis Helpline: 1-800-999-9999
    CDC National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center

    The Link: 1-404-256-9797
    The Link Counseling Center's National Resource Center for Suicide Prevention and Aftercare

    American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: 1-888-333-2377
    Suicide Prevention Research

    American Association of Suicidology: 1-202-237-2280
    "Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior" Journal and other resources

    Suicide Information & Education Center: 1-403-245-3900

    SOLES - Survivors of Law Enforcement Suicides
    More law enforcement officers die each year by suicide than in the line of duty!

    Friends for Survival - Suicide Surviors talk line: 1-916-392-0664

    NOPCAS - Nat. Org. People Color Against Suicide: 1-512-245-2113

    Yellon Ribbon Suicide Prevention Project: 1-303-429-3530
    Youth oriented suicide prevention.

    SA\VE- Suicide Awareness\Voices of Education: 1-612-946-7998

    SPANUSA - Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network: 1-888-649-1366

    National Depression Screening Project: 1-800-573-4433
    To locate a free, confidential screening site near you

    National Mental Health Association: 1-800-969-NMHA(6642)
    330 affilliates nationwide providing treatment referrals & services

    NDMDA - National Depressive/Manic Depressive Association: 1-800-826-3632

    NHMA - National Mental Health Assoc: 1-800-969-6642

    The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill: 1-800-950-6264
    Information and referral services

    Jason Foundation-youth education: 1-888-881-2323

    Missing and Exploited Children National Hotline: 1-800-843-5678

    Prevent Child Abuse: 1-800-244-5373

    Girls and Boys Town National Hotline and Help Line: 1-800-448-3000

    Child Abuse Prevention service: 1-800-422-4453
    Kid Safe

    Children of the Night: 1-800-551-1300
    A 24 hour a day runaway crisis hotline

    Runaway Hotline (National) 1-800-621-4000

    Trevor Helpline - GLBT youth: 1-800-850-8078

    Compassionate Friends-parent grief: 1-630-990-0010

    Friends of Battered women and their Children: 1-800-603-4357

    Al-Anon Meeting information: 1-888-425-2666
    Alcohol and Drug Helpline: 1-800-821-4357
    Provides referrals to local facilities

    Domestic Violence Hotline (National): 1-800-799-7233

    Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network: 1-800-656-4673

    Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders: 1-800-736-3739

    Cuting Yourself?: 1-800-366-8288

    Gay and Lesbian National Hotline: 1-888-843-4564

    Norman Institute-gender orientation: 1-816-960-7200

    Suicide hotline for British Columbia Canada

    United Kingdom: children & youth...
    ChildLine free on: 0800-1111

    Sane Help Line
    Mental Illnesses Info & Referral

    A 24 Hour phone counseling and referral service for All Ages. Trained telephone counselors online 24/7. They can recommend other services or initiate emergency intervention is necessary.
    Website: www.lifeline.org.au
    phone number: 1800 55 1800

    Kids Help Line - A 24 hour phone counseling and referral service.
    Australia State Wide
    Website: www.kidshelp.com.au
    Phone Number: 131 114

    Life-Force. Suicide helpline
    phone number: 1800 10 0024

    Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill
    support for the carers of people with mental illness

    Lifeline's Just-Ask
    Your rural mental health information service

About Me

  • Basics
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    About me
    previously cwood09
    well i am 18 i am bisexual. i am a year in recovery from anorexia but its an everyday battle still. and i was a cutter i also struggle with suicidal thoughts from time to time. pm me if u want to chat. or e-mail me at dolphindragon1@hotmail.com
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  • Interests
    volunteering reading computer games
    superchick, simple plan, glee cast, and others
    my sisters keeper twilight new moon eclipse breaking dawn hunger games
    glee intervention switched at birth degrassi i survived criminal minds talk shows self help shows modern family
    chicken soup for the soul hunger games self help books
    terry fox ellen degeneres tracey gold my guidance counsellor
  • Signature
    There is always someone who cares about you. It may not seem like it but there is. I can promise you that much.


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Posted October 15th 2014 at 05:43 PM by monkey01 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
i just found out i got fired from my new job

Posted October 8th 2014 at 06:03 PM by monkey01 Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
Yesterday was a shitty day at work i spilled a whole box of fruit on the floor dropped a box on my foot knocked over a shelf of sorbets spilled yogurt all over me messed up a bunch of smoothies and then today my shift got cancelled. the boss is not impressed with me. im scared i might get fired already

Posted October 6th 2014 at 05:40 PM by monkey01 Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
things might be looking up for me I found a new job i had the interview on the 24 of September around 230pm got the phone call around 430 pm and started the next day i love my job I love my coworkers they are great and really helpful. i know its just a smoothie place but i love it.

On another note my dad was supposed to be sentenced on october 1st this year but he was arrested a few days prior to that for being caught around kids so it was a breach on his probation so the judge...

Posted December 8th 2012 at 03:34 PM by monkey01 Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
I just want to die. I can't do this anymore. I just can't. I don't see any point anymore for trying, for talking, for smiling, for breathing, or for living. I don't know what else to do, death seems like my only option. It seems to me like the only way out. I just feel so helpless, worthless, alone and so many other emotions and feelings and stuff. I am just so tired of fighting and of being strong. I just don't want to be here anymore. I just can't handle living anymore. Right now the only thing...

Posted November 1st 2012 at 04:08 PM by monkey01 Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
I am way in over my head right now with everything i have friend drama going on i have to choose a side cause my friends say if you are friends with her im done being you friend and same for the other one. I have family drama my family hates that i am bisexual they dont accept it and to be honest I rather be dead than have them not accept me. I am failing math i got 28 % on a test. I just feel useless and I feel like I am hanging on to a edge of a cliff by my fingertips and that i will fall off...
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I am so glad that you...
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I am sorry you are going...
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Keep hanging on. We...
Posted November 1st 2012 at 06:05 PM by broncos758 broncos758 is offline

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