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Welcome me, I'm new!

Mollie. Offline

Previously known as M4k :P

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
  1. MegaMadness
    January 21st 2011 01:31 PM - permalink
    Your really pretty
  2. obelus
    December 24th 2009 05:02 AM - permalink
    That's awesome to hear! [= And as for the pen, soap and water can handle that. Or if it's Sharpie, hand sanitizer gets that off pretty well.
  3. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 06:52 PM - permalink
    Well, just keep trying ^_^ It's not stupid, let me tell you, it helps. It's a natural way to release your emotions instead of harming yourself. I wouldn't rush into another relationship if you're not ready for it either. I mean, if you don't really like the person, why waste your time, aye? Though do what you think you should do.
  4. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 04:11 AM - permalink
    Maybe by saying those things, she meant what SH has made you appear to be to her? If that makes any sense here. You may not feel strong right now, but I believe in you. And it's okay to cry, sometimes it honestly helps you think things through a bit better. [=
  5. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 03:51 AM - permalink
    Well, alot of parents react that way when they find out. Either out of pure misunderstanding, or just not wanting to accept that you're hurting yourself. And also, just try to ignore any names you get called. I haven't talked to you much, but I say you're a pretty awesome and strong person. [=
  6. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 02:56 AM - permalink
    Ah, I like drawing on myself with sharpies in general. Though that's a good idea ^_^
    I currently have a wonderful drawing of a unicorn on my hand from school last week
    Why do you think you would get in trouble about it?
  7. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 02:47 AM - permalink
    No worries, I have some people on my mind all time time as well. Yeah, I like the alternative thread alot, I like using the one about glue. Though you could always use google for more alternatives. [=
    Well, I wouldn't suggest getting in trouble, though I'm not going to tell you what to do either. Just do what you think is best, aye? ^^;
  8. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 02:33 AM - permalink
    Well, if you won't be able to, I know this helps me alot, just think about him. What they would tell you if you could talk to them and what not.
    And if you need to utilize some of the things here on TeenHelp. There's a great thread with alot of alternatives [here]
    And you could also use HelpLINK, LiveHelp, and the Support and Advice rooms in Chat. [=
    There's also a thread that explains this a bit better than I did [here]
    Hope that helps. xD
    If not, my PM box is always open. [=
  9. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 02:11 AM - permalink
    Ah, that sucks sometimes not being able to do that. ^^;
    Though they do make you smile regardless.
  10. obelus
    December 23rd 2009 12:37 AM - permalink
    OH, it took me a minute to visualize that, but I know where your talking about now. I think I've been there before, well I most likely have, I just don't remember.
    No worries on saying too much, I ramble on alot of the time. xD
    I get excited when I see notifications, and when the little PM thing pops up. Eee, I'm good.

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    New South Wales; Australia
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    I liek fixing electronical things, :D
    Harry Potter<3
  • Signature
    "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."

    The one who
    makes you cry
    isn't worth your tears.
    The one who
    is worth your
    tears would never
    make you cry.


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  • Join Date: December 22nd 2009
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