Junior year was such a drag, especially because I moved from Arizona to Florida halfway through.

I hated it. Senior year is easy for me because I have five electives and two core classes. You'll enjoy it.

You just walk around feeling so accomplished. Lol. I will not miss high school (worst four years of my life) and I will not miss this town. I would love to go to school for something writing-related eventually, but I'm going to focus on establishing a career. I'm thinking about cosmetology school.

I'm too much of an empath to work in a job dealing with sick or hurting people, so even though I'm told I'd excel in it, nursing is out. I love helping people, so I think I wouldn't mind being a massage therapist. I wouldn't mind doing hair, makeup, or nails, either, so cosmetology seems like the way to go. We'll see.

And thank you so much. <3 You sure can have first editions! You can also have the whole first book and twenty-five chapters of the second in your email if you'd like.

I'm glad you're feeling positive!

You deserve happiness. And writer's block is a long list of nasty swear words. It really drags me down; I hate it. Glad to hear you're moving forward music wise!
I hide in my room and stare at a word processor all day and I'm funny occasionally. I have no people skills and I have weak aspirations. I'm in the same boat deary.

Seven billion people in this world though, and billions and billions across history. There's gotta be some place for the fab people like you and me.