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I've been here a while

mindflower Offline

what the hell is a FixYou♥

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 1450
  1. obelus
    April 26th 2015 02:47 AM - permalink
    Welcome back to the green team! I also just noticed we are both gendered as potatoes.
  2. Kintsukuroi.
    April 26th 2015 02:24 AM - permalink
    Yay! Welcome back to the Green team.
  3. Chai.
    April 26th 2015 12:39 AM - permalink
    It's great to see you back in green!
  4. hocus pocus
    April 25th 2015 07:21 PM - permalink
    hocus pocus
    You're back on staff!!!!
  5. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    April 23rd 2015 02:56 AM - permalink
    Aren't they brilliant?
  6. bringmethehorizon♥
    April 12th 2015 12:23 PM - permalink
    Yes, we have spoken loads of times not for a while though! It's lovely hearing from you again how are you doing? Im having an average day thanks! I love Bring Me The Horizon they are the most amazing band ever I saw them in December they were so good when they played can you feel my heart I almost cried. Do you like any other bands? I like a mixture of music it goes from pop maroon 5 Ariana grande to Bring me and Asking Alexandria. Being honest it is a wide range of music taste I have started to like a lot of pop stuff as I have gotten older but I still love some heavy metal core stuff. Bring Me The Horizon are my all time favourite band as if you couldn't tell my user name. Im very passionate about my music.
    We most of talked before as I believe I have you on Skype.
    Take care ~Justin~
  7. nothereanymore
    April 10th 2015 01:03 AM - permalink
    Thank you deary How far into the novel are you?
    And I read what you posted! It was amazing <3 I loved the flow. It read in my head very well, and I loved the emotions you expressed in it.
    I hope your day was fab as well.
  8. nothereanymore
    April 8th 2015 03:56 PM - permalink
    I used to be on block schedule but since I moved I've had seven forty-five minute classes a day not fun. And thank you! Bottom line is average functional human being. I'll take what I can get after that. I'm so glad you like the book! I am working on it. I have to choose an editor, first, and then I have to raise the money for the fees. I'm researching agents while I'm doing that. The agents are the middlemen between the writer and publisher. They represent you to the publishers. Editing first, getting an agent next, and then getting a publishing deal after that!
  9. nothereanymore
    April 8th 2015 04:47 AM - permalink
    Oh gosh. That sounds like that was a TON of fun to go through. I'm sorry. cx I can kind of relate; my new school screwed me over in ways I'd like to forget. and thank you! I hope I achieve average success in whatever career I choose. An average, commendable success is all I want, man. I definitely see you doing something in music. I couldn't picture you doing anything else.
    and heeeey there's something in your inbox.
  10. nothereanymore
    April 8th 2015 01:47 AM - permalink
    Junior year was such a drag, especially because I moved from Arizona to Florida halfway through. I hated it. Senior year is easy for me because I have five electives and two core classes. You'll enjoy it. You just walk around feeling so accomplished. Lol. I will not miss high school (worst four years of my life) and I will not miss this town. I would love to go to school for something writing-related eventually, but I'm going to focus on establishing a career. I'm thinking about cosmetology school. I'm too much of an empath to work in a job dealing with sick or hurting people, so even though I'm told I'd excel in it, nursing is out. I love helping people, so I think I wouldn't mind being a massage therapist. I wouldn't mind doing hair, makeup, or nails, either, so cosmetology seems like the way to go. We'll see. And thank you so much. <3 You sure can have first editions! You can also have the whole first book and twenty-five chapters of the second in your email if you'd like. I'm glad you're feeling positive! You deserve happiness. And writer's block is a long list of nasty swear words. It really drags me down; I hate it. Glad to hear you're moving forward music wise!
    I hide in my room and stare at a word processor all day and I'm funny occasionally. I have no people skills and I have weak aspirations. I'm in the same boat deary. Seven billion people in this world though, and billions and billions across history. There's gotta be some place for the fab people like you and me.

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    United States
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    About me
    sometimes i log back on..... it humors me

    was an avid member back during the stone ages, someone forgot to message me the link to AdultHelp and i can't take a hint. absolutely thriving!
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    University - Undergraduate
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    my chemical romance


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