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Welcome me, I'm new!

Michii_<3 Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. BrittneyNicole
    April 8th 2009 05:06 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday! :]
  2. freelancertex78
    March 23rd 2009 08:55 PM - permalink
    You're welcome!
    That's really cool that you're liking TH. I find it to be really helpful, and it's a good stress reliever when I'm pissed about something.
    OMG I want greek food now. Oh man...moussaka... it sounds so good!
  3. MadPoet
    March 23rd 2009 07:46 PM - permalink
    Hey Micha
    You're more than welcome! I saw the advice you gave, and I just had to tell you how great it was, lol. & I'm glad that you've joined the forum, it's always awesome to have new members who like to help out and make people feel better, that's what the site is all about. x
  4. MadPoet
    March 20th 2009 06:18 PM - permalink
    Wow, you gave some pretty great advice in just your first post here
    That's pretty awesome.
    I'm Amanda, by the way. Welcome to TH.
  5. freelancertex78
    March 17th 2009 12:37 AM - permalink
    Hi! Welcome to TeenHelp! I'm Steph. I'm a buddy here, it's my job to help people out - so don't be afraid to send me or anyone else with a green username a PM if you have a question.

    You're Greek? That's so cool! I love Baklava. mmmmm.

About Me

  • Basics
    Broadstairs, Kent.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    In a relationship
    Greek <3
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    Studyinggg =]
    Very liberal
    Zodiac sign
  • Signature
    *and maybe its a little selfish..
    all I have is the memory..
    Did I ever stop to wonder..
    Is it possible you were hurting worse than me?
    but still my hunger turns to greed..
    because what about what I need?
    whos gonna save my soul now...

    || why would I need to go outside today?
    when your face is my sunshine..
    and your words are my stars...<333||

    "the aardvark is just a rabbit with a badly done nose job!"


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  • Last Activity: May 7th 2009 12:16 PM
  • Join Date: March 16th 2009
  • Referrals: 0

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